"If there's one thing my father d-demands it's loyalty a-and Tayuya had broke that loyalty by helping Tsugumi escape. Tayuya then went to extreme measures to frame me for the escape but it backfired..."

"And he killed her..."

Karin nodded in remorse but before Suigetsu could reply he collapsed unconscious, the last thing he saw was his girlfriend being manhandled.

Sasori walked out of the gym. After his encounter with Tsugumi he had instantly wanted to leave. His eyes danced around the parking lot for his car, not sparing the familiar couple whom stood weirdly in the middle of one of the rows. Walking past the couple, he barely spared the crying red haired girl a glance but clicked his tongue as his foot bumped into something. His hazel eyes flitted to the pair of lone red heels he had ran into but froze at the couples hushed whispers.
"And he killed her..."

Immediately an image of the navy haired teens attire popped up remembering the red pumps Tsugumi wore. It couldn't have been a coincidence. Rage brewed in his veins as he rushed toward the couple. With sickening speed he knocked the boy out, snatching his ex childhood friend up roughly. "You Uzumakis just don't know when to quit do you."


"What did you do." He spat with venom. Sasori was past the point of angry as he wanted noticing more then to carve the girls insides out. He was aware of his fellow Akatsuki members coming up behind him, taking in the situation.

Kakazu picked up the discarded heels in irritation. He wasn't surprised the Uzumaki female had something to do with the navy haired teens disappearance. If they had known Tsugumi had been hanging with the girl then they would have immediately dealt with Karin. It wasn't like the Yakuza had a tendency to talk about her new buddies.

"M-my siblings are planning to kill Tsugumi." Karin stuttered in fear.

"For what?" Kisame frowned setting a hand in the silently fuming Puppeteers shoulder. He knew that Sasori had thin patience and wanted nothing more than to poison the girl. However, she was their only chance at finding their captured friend. Besides, they could kill her afterwards.

"M-my father made them think that Tsugumi was the one who killed Tayuya. I-I would have told them the truth but my father had threatened me then on keeping my mouth shut. E-even if I did try to explain the truth to my siblings they wouldn't have believed me."

The sound of a car pulling up gathered their attention. Sasori gritted his teeth and dragged her to the blondes car. "Get in." He growled out as she hesitantly got in the back seat of Deidaras car.
Sasori opened the passenger door as the other Akatsuki members rushed to theirs. "Where is she." He said in an unnaturally calm tone which made Karin shiver in fear.
"S-Seroyaki wareho-"

Before she could even finish the name, Deidara slammed his foot on the accelerator in route to the location, the others speeding behind him in tow.

"If you knew the truth, why would you help them capture her un?" Deidara had to control his anger from seeping through, as he sped dangerously down the road. The only different thing between his anger and his partners was that it was toward the red head beside him. Deidara knew if that if they had just come clean to Tsugumi about who she was, her memories could've have potentially returned along with her skills. There was no way the old Tsugumi wouldn't have let the likes of the Sound four lay a finger on her. This could have all been avoided.

"B-because my siblings threatened me to do it and because ...I-if Tayuya had never helped Tsugumi the-"

"Then Tsugumi would be the one fucking dead un! Tayuya fucking framed you! Do you seriously hear yourself right now, wasn't Tsugumi your friend!?"
Karin looked at her lap in guilt, brows knitted together as memories of the navy haired teen resurfaced. She knew she was a horrible friend let alone person.

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