Chapter 14

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It's 11 so I walk to my brothers room. I only have to knock once on the door so he can walk out and say "Lets go on a train ride" I nodd my head. and we walk up and out. I jump onto the train after my brother. We just sit for awhile and he says " Visiting day is in 2 days" My eyes grow wide "I hope he doesn't come" he responds "Ditto. Now to tell you what I wanted to talk about" I ask "What is it?" he stays silent for a moment but then answers " War on abnegation. I saw erudite plans sent to dauntless the other day. Erudite wants to start war on abnegation and wants dauntless as their army." my eyes grow even wider from before "What! Why the hell is wrong with erudite?! How do they plan on making us attack them?!" he answers "a lot of things are wrong with erudite and I don't know" This is terrible and late. "What are we going to do?" he answers "I don't know, but what I do know is that it's late were going back now so get ready to jump" I jump of the train after him. When we enter the compound he goes to his apartment. I decide to stay a little while by the chasm. I'm on the railing when suddenly, someone grabs me by the torso and hangs me over the chasm. I'm about to scream when this mysterious figure asks "Will you go out with me?" I realize it's Oscar and start to laugh. He puts me back and my feet and waits for an answer. "Oscar the thing is I just want to concentrate on intiation. If I didn't want to then the answer would be yes" He thinks for a moment. He then rushed towards me and kisses me. He pulls back and asks "Did that change your mine?" I grab his shirt and pull him towards me and say "You tell me." and bring him in for a kiss. He pulls away grabs my hand and we walk down to the dorms together. Before we enter I say "Can we keep this a secret so I can tell my friends in private?" He nodds his head and kisses my cheek and we walk in.

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