Chapter 18

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I walk over to them and say "What the hell are you doing here Marcus? And hey Jason!" Marcus says "I came to see you and talk to you" I roll my eyes and Jason says " I couldn't come see you without him" I laugh. Oscar walks over and says "Destiny, who's this?" I answer his question before Marcus can and say "This Jason and Marcus. Jason couldn't come see me without Marcus so here he is" Oscar smiles then walks off Jason then grabs my arm and pulls into the hallway where nobody is with Marcus. I shout "What the hell Jason!?!" he stays quiet but Marcus answers "Are you divergent or not?" I stare at him and say "What's it to you?" he rolls his eyes and says "We don't have time for your attitude yes or no?" I decide to be honest because Jason knew about the abuse. He wouldn't help my dad if he wanted to expose me. "Yes I am why?" Jason answers and says "In stage 2 you will be expose and yo-" I interrupt "As long as I hide it I'll be fine. You have nothing to worry about. Jason how do you know what signs did being divergent are?" He answers immediately "Because I am. The only reason I stayed was because I'd be safer" He and Marcus walk away. By the time they're gone I remember the war plans and follow after them. I was too late they left already. I walked over to my brother who is talking to- okay my eyes are tricking me because I'm not seeing Tobias talk to Caleb and..... Beatrice Prior! Wow I'm really stupid, I mean I didn't recognize someone who my dad always compared me to, well except for when she left abnegation.I walk over by and wave to Caleb, and he waves back. After all that I go back to the dorms and sleep for the rest of the day.

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