Chapter 11

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I'm sitting in a room bored out of my mind waiting for god knows what. Last night Charlie kept talking to me on how about Greg is dating someone when she isn't. She kept me up all night. Tris comes out and calls my name. I walk up and enter the room with her. "What the hell is going on?" I ask. She answers "Here in Dauntless we take the saying 'face your fears' literally. In this simulation you will face one of your biggest fears." I gulp. I'm gonna see Marcus again. Even if it's not the the real Marcus I'm still gonna feel his belt. Tris injects me in the neck with the serum and the scene changes to my old room in abnegation. Marcus wal-no runs into my room belt in hand. He tells me "This is for your own good" the belt strucks my skin. He lashes at me 2 more times until I realize that, this is a simulation. I grab his belt when it's launched at me and pull him back causing him to fall. I angrily shout at him "I'm gone I don't have to deal with your abuse anymore!!" as soon as I said anymore he started to shrink until nothing was left of him. The room changes back into the room I was in before. Tris looks worried. "Did I do something wrong ?" I ask. She looks at me and says "Your divergent" Oh shit. "Don't worry you can easily hide it just lower your heart rate and don't face the fear head on ok?" she tells me calmly. I shake my head. I get up from the chair and collapse to the grounding, bursting into tears. Tris kneels down and hugs and says "You should got talk to your brother. You need to talk to him" She ushers me out the door. What should I tell him? That I'm divergent or dad's I'm my fear simulation?

Four's sisters, Margo and AdelaideWhere stories live. Discover now