Chapter 9: Sides

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Chapter 9: Sides

"Sister, I wouldn't." Cas threatened, twirling the angel blade in his fingers.

"You wouldn't what?"

I got nervous as they eyed each other. The angel reminded me of Hester, the angels who were going to take Kevin, a friend of mine, more like family, who was a prophet. When he twirled the blade again I could tell Cas was getting weak somehow. Two weeks before I died (I lost count which time or I probably stopped counting) I remembered Metadouche said that Cas had to replace his grace, energy that gives angels their powers. If Metadouche wasn't lying and if Cas didn't replace it yet, that explained why he looked so tired. That also meant he was going to die.

"Woah, take it easy." I said.

"You have no say in this." The angel snapped.

"Dean, let's go."

"No, Cas wait-." I sighed as I saw we were in the Bunker.

"What happened?" Sam asked with concern.

Cas rose a brow. He looked embrarassed when he saw he forgot he was gripping his angel blade with a death grip. He looked reluctant to answer.

"Angels. They want Dean."

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because I'm half demon or whatever." Sam looked away from me. "You knew?"

"I didn't want to tell you right away." Sam's eyes became full of guilt.

"It's okay, Sammy." I gave him a smile. I got a half smile out of him.

"Dean, can we talk? In private?"

"Sure, Cas."

We walked to my room. Cas stopped in the hallway and pressed me up against the wall. He kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, our lips pressing together in sweet, perfect harmony. I turned around just in time to see the three angels circle around me.

"Cas?" Sam looked fearful at the three angels in front of him.

"Sam, go."

"You won't take Dean." Sam said.

"Jezebel, don't." Cas begged.

"We take as we wish."


I stared at her with fear and confsuion. Cas went for me but the crap had him by the throat with an angel blade. I looked at Cas sending an unspoken 'see you'. I went for him, but an angel touched my shoulder. I saw I was in an abandoned building, clearly in the middle of nowhere. I knew I din't have to ask where I was. I was punched hard in the face, knocking me out. I woke to my arms and legs shackled. They were obviously going to torture me. I laughed.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"No. We will be asking the questions." Jezebel snapped.

"Then ask."

"Do you know what you are?"

"Isn't that an obvious 'yes'? If you start asking me dumbass questions I'll stop answering."

"Let's see about that." The crap angel threatened.

"Anymore questons or are you going to start poking for fun? Wait, you will."

"None more." The stern angel in the black tie and shiny black shoes said.

"So could you do me the-?"

"No." The crap angel said, leaving the room with the other angel.

"What? No introductions?"

"No." The angel repeated.


"Alright." The crap angel punched me until I tasted the blood running from my nose. "My name is Kohen." He slapped me on the other side of my face for enjoyment.

"I thought demons were bad." I mumbled.

"Well excuse us." The third angel said, his voice full of rage. He grabbed my arm, the one without the Mark. I bit my lip until it bled, trying not to scream as I heard the bones crack like they were a bag of sugar cubes. "I'm Gadriel." I winced as he pushed my arm back, it bouncing on the chain.


"Not to be confused with the traitor, Gadreel or the sack of self-loathing archangel, Gabriel."

"Shut your mouth." I snapped, as I remembered my fallen friend, Gabriel. I had shown him to stick up for himself to his family. He finally did, pushed aside his fears and stuck up for himself against his brother, Lucifer. Yes, satan. That's how he got killed.

"So Gabriel was hanging around with you insane mud monkeys? And HE'S one of the archangels!"

"You have know idea who he... is."

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that last word."

"If I ever get out of here, I'm going to dunk your feathery ass in holy oil and watch as I slowly light the match, get in that fear effect right before your ass goes into flames."

"Yours first."

"Out of the two of us, mine is the only one people are going to miss." I said with a smirk.

"You want to bet on that?" Gadriel threatened.

"You offering?" He hit me and I smiled at him. I nodded, understanding I had been asking for it.

"So is Gabriel alive or not?"

"What is it to you?" He hit me again.

"You have no idea." He said, hitting me once more. "Is Gabriel alive?"

"No." I said, looking down. I looked at their faces. Jezebel seemed upset. She looked teary-eyed. "I see that seemed to matter to only one of you. How are you even siblings?"

"We don't have doubts and we certainly aren't human beings."

"Thanks for the news flash."

"You're going to have a long night."

He smirked at me beofre leaving the room. The two other angels followed behind him like guard dogs. I knew Gadriel was right. It was going to be a long night.  

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