Chapter 4: Telekenisis

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Chapter 4: Telekinesis

"Damn it, Sam." I cursed under my breath.

Yes, I was a powerful demon, but I couldn't get out of a devil's trap. Without help. I thought of summoning Crowley like Sam had summoned me. Everything Sam had summoned me with wasn't that far away. I remembered how fire was friendly with Hellkind. Maybe it would like me. I snapped my fingers and fire blazed. I was a Knight, but not Hell born.

"Well look at you." Crowley said, mockingly.

"I called you-"

"To bust you out, done." He snapped his fingers and part of the devil's trap vanished.

"Not just that. You did ask me to summon you." I reminded him, stepping out of the devil's trap.

"Oh, really? What else?" He asked, getting interested.

"I met a demon today named Lucas. He's working for another demon, who is clearly not one of yours."

"You explored your powers today, didn't you?"

"It was pretty awesome." I said with a smile.

"I thought you'd might enjoy it." Crowley said. "So you're on my side, huh?"

"You're one of the few demons that can work with human beings. I think demons can be too self-loathing to do anything else."

"True." Crowley replied. "So are you making an alliance with me?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Did you know that when you summoned me, all the demons in the room felt it?"

"Well I'm not a Hell-born demon and I'm a Knight of Hell with the Mark of Cain."

"You're not going to overthrow me now, are you?"

"No. I'm going to be human again someday."

"Good luck with that." Crowley said. "You and Cas have that star-crossed lover vibe coming off of you."

"No we don't." I said.

"He's as straight as a ball!" Crowley went over his words in his head. "You know what I mean."

"He might be a lover, I'm not." I replied. "I'm not."

     Crowley laughed at me. He couldn't get words out. He had to sit back down. I was getting annoyed. He stopped laughing and looked around like he had heard something.

"Do you feel that?" He asked me.

"Feel what?" I asked.

"The presence of two getting closer?" Crowley sighed, looking at my confused face. "It's a natural demon ability to sense when someone else is nearby. Isn't it Hunter gut instinct?"

     I looked at Crowley hard. I became less annoyed and nodded. I realized he was right. As a Hunter, I had to feel like someone was around me. I would have gotten killed more times if I hadn't. I processed what Crowley said and tried to feel it. I did feel two. One was stronger than the other. I thought I recognized the stronger one. I knew it couldn't be a demon. Angel. Cas.

"I feel them." I announced.

"Good. You're getting the hang of this new life very quickly." Crowley commented.

"They'll be here soon." I said.

"My number is very hard to forget." Crowley said.

"I'll call you if there's any trouble." I said.

"Good. I'll handle that demon."

     He winked at me and dissapeared. I quickly went underneath the devil's trap. I cursed myself as I used my powers to fix the devil's trap. I waited impatienly for them to come. Finally, the door opened.

"Do you think this is funny?" I asked him angrilly. I stopped, seeing Cas' face.

"Dean, something's not right with you." Sam said. I wanted to slap him.

"I'm a demon!" I remined him.

"I know that." Sam replied.

"Do you? Of course something's wrong with me! When I'm upset it cripples me. When I'm annoyed I'm angry. I'm not human. Not anymore." I sighed.

"I know. Dean, the way you left that man after you pulled the demon out of him, it's like you didn't care at all."

"So what are you going to do?"

"We're going to try and make you human." Sam said.

"Like cure me? With purified blood?"

"No." Sam replied.

"Dean, how do you feel right now?" Castiel asked.

"A little nervous." I replied. I became lost in his blue eyes. And swoon.

"What is swoon?" Castiel asked. I didn't say anything, feeling embarassed. "You have feelings, but you need all of them. May I?"

"Yeah." I let him touch two fingers to my head.

I heard a faint, high-pitched ringing sound. Castiel was concentrating. He had so much hope in him. I could feel he imagined me human again. He slowly took his fingers off my forehead and looked up at me.

"You're a little more powerful than I remembered." Castiel said. "It's like you've gotten a new ability or something."

"What can you guys do?" I asked.

"You can't be taking demons out of people like you've been doing." Castiel said. I looked at him, protesting. "Be human."

"I can't use anything?" I asked. I never even teleported.

"No." Castiel replied. "You can't teleport either."

"Are you reading my mind?" I asked.

"Dean, I would never read your mind." Castiel replied. "I think it's your new power. Telekenisis."

"Telekenisis?" Sam asked. "Demons can do that?"

"Your brother is a very different demon. He wasn't created in Hell."

"So no powers whatsoever?" I asked.

"No, Dean." Castiel replied. "No powers."

"Didn't you teleport when I summoned you?" Sam asked.

"You summoned him?" Castiel asked with concern.

"It was the only way he could get back in." Sam replied.

"Oh." Castiel replied.

"It was fun." I said.

"No powers." Castiel said. "Promise me."

"No powers." I said through a sigh. "I promise."

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