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There is no such thing as perfect , nothing is perfect , noone is perfect , there is no perfection in any thing there is no :
•Perfect Family
•Perfect Marriage
•Perfect Life
•Perfect relationship

There is always something that mess everything up , and ruin it all , there is always the family that can't stand each other, that can't love each other , that don't trust each other , that want to kill each other , each one of them waiting for the other to get married and move away so they could live alone

There is no such things as a perfect marriage, there is always problems , either with the kids , the fact that she wants babies and he doesn't or the other way around , or problems with money , that they can't fund their family right , and that there is nights that there poor little children sleep without food , or that they have so many kids and they can't cover them all , or a problem with the trust , she always suspects him that he is cheating , when he is just working his ass off so that he can get money to fund this family , and still it could be the other way around but with a little difference , or a problem with the sexual affair , that they don't have it that much or doesn't have it at all mostly its the women fault , but I guess a man can wait to get laid if his wife is tired after a long day with their family

Perfect life , are you kidding me , I'm sure that after all the above you can be sure that there is no such thing , that is called a perfect life , that's a tottal bullshit

Perfect relationship, I guess we all have had at least one relationship that got us saying I wish I never meet him/ her , yep let me break it to you now so that you won't be surprised , its not only one relationship, its all the relationship you get into , before the right one , the relationship with the one that will keep forever being with , but this s also not perfect

To end this there is no such thing as perfection, life can't be perfect, maybe a moment is perfect a memory is perfect , but no life is perfect no , so just don't keep your hopes that high

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