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They all say when you are in a bad situation you have to go to your SAFE PLACE , funny really

Some people have their safe place filled with green grass and blue clear clouds and some slides to play them

Others have their safe place with their Friend and family they keep imagining them until the pain is gone

Anothers have their safe place in books or world of reading and knowledge and all that they relax in it

A few people have it with there loved once maybe when they are hugging or something or cuddling or anything that lovers do

People like which I know are a slow number don't have a safe place .... Yeah that's right I don't have a safe place that's mean when I am in pain I don't close my eyes and start the journey to the safe place and start imagining but No really

I just open my eyes and fill the pain and suck it in and keep feeling it

Some of you can consider this as a side effect of depression or something like that

The left of you I guess will just say that I am being stubid or that I am lying

But truelly I am not , I consider that is if I am strong enough to handle my own pain  that I can take it in any ways and that I had a lot of pain inside me and in my life that made me feel that strong

I can now say that Safe Place is just another bullshit that human made , you can't avoid the pain you have to face the reality and be stronger than it and beat it with your power  I don't have a safe place but I am doing well I can only that I am surviving all the pain without any safe place

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