Cloud 9

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Two people, in one day, telling me that I was going to do something in the future felt amazing. I never got that recognition before.
I was on cloud 9!
Ecstatic, that someone decided to give me the time of day.

It didn't last long...
You know that saying "AFTER THE STORM, THERE IS A RAINBOW, "
Then you'll come crashing down to the harsh reality that in life, nothing ever lasts, not even happiness.
Going back to what I said 4 years ago, I mean it,
Whether you're classed as the misfit, nerd, geek, the jock or even the mean girl, DEFY THEM, show them you're so much more than a meaningless label! At that point in my life, I would've never thought that I would speak in front of the whole class then stand up to a bully.

You won't be able to do it if you think you won't be able to do it!

Let's fast forward 4 months...
The next vlog, your about see is one of the most... I don't even know what to call it but it was the most straining moment for my family.

ZARATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang