Chapter 1- The prince.

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Picture of Howard.

Copyright 2018 S.B Falls

'You will be staying here whilst working for this household and may ask myself or Graham, regarding any enquiries.' Stated the Butler matter of factly.

'Woah, woah hold your horsies Holland or whatever your name is, I never discussed living here with anyone.' I made a face like a 5 year old does looking at rotten candy. I blew a bubble with my chewing gum again and gained a look of distaste from Holland.

'Well firstly my name is Howard'


'second you agreed to it on the contract your mother signed in your name.' He sighed as though he'd been through this a million times with me.

'I never agreed to anything of the sort!' I declared to the butler.

'Well unfortunately, you're going to have to discuss that with your mother, because the contract has been signed and stamped in favour of you staying here for 2 months at the very least. If not the Woodfields have full permission to take legal action.' The Butler explained to me as though he was reading through a script.

'But, but, but.... thats not fair!' I shouted again taking up the role of a five year old.

'Look, I don't even know why the Woodfields are hiring you, but you should know one thing, meddle with the Woodfields and they sure as well make your life hell.' He whispered.

I drew up my eyebrows, shocked at his sincerity, whilst studying him, he looked as though he was in his mid 30's with chestnut brown hair and green eyes. He was quite attractive, but looked more fatherly than anything.

He motioned towards my mouth and stuck his hand out, I looked at him in surprise whilst I took the gum out of my mouth and into the palm of his hand which was covered with a white silk glove. Fancy.

He soured his expression whilst walking over to the dustbin.

'I can handle the Woodfields, don't you worry about that Howard.' I smiled at him, showing him I appreciated his honesty.

'Hm, we shall see, Lidea or whatever your name is.' He said, now smiling as I chuckled at his mockery of me.

'The names Lidea, Lidea Belle.' I said holding my hand out.

He simply looked at my hand and replied, 'Well, Lidea Belle welcome to the Woodfields, but duty calls, come along now.' I followed Howard up the elegant spiral steps, ignoring the refusal of my awesome handshake. The bannister was made of black and white marble and I couldnt help but run my hand along the length of it, devouring its smoothness.

There were paintings lining the big walls, all different sizes and colours. This family was definitely rich, and judging by the sheer size of the place, they definitely needed maids and butlers to look after it.

I smiled at the baby pictures on the walls, I wouldn't have expected the Woodfields to have pictures like these here. They seemed personal, unlike the cold interior.

'This is Master Quentins sector, he loves his pictures. In fact he is training to become a professional photographer.' He said as though, he'd read my mind. 'He doesn't really... lets just say, the manner in which he stays here is not according to the rest of the Woodfields.'

I chuckled at Howards attempt to tell me that 'Master Quentin' wasn't as posh as the rest of the Woodfields. 'Oh, Howard, we're gonna have a blast.' I said, watching the amusement twinkle in his eyes.

'I don't doubt that we will, but I must intoduce you to the rest of the maids. He said walking further down the corridor.

I giggled at the way he walked, his hips barely moving whilst keeping his back completely straight, his chin held high.

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