The Maid.

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Lidea in the picture above

Hey guys! I decided to write another story, I know i'm not that good, but I hope you enjoy this book, please feel free to comment down below if you have any criticism, i'd love to improve my work! x

S.B Falls x

Copyright 2018 S.B Falls

Well, I'd have never thought i'd end up here. When I mentioned a first job to my mom, I definitely didnt mean working for the stuck up Woodfields. I couldn't stand any of them, considering all they do is look down on people and stick up their big pointy noses.

Mother, why do you have to be so cruel. While other people have parents who encourage them to become doctors or other important characters in the world. Mine was pushing me to become a maid for my first job. For crying out loud, a maid!

I may sound ungrateful but scrubbing toilets was not what I had in mind when I thought of my first job.

I stood, staring at the posh Woodfield household, the plush green gardens seemed to engulf the estate and the fountain in the middle screamed decadence. But—unfortunately—stood in the middle of their driveway all I could think was, how stupid. Ugh, I couldn't believe I was here. 

I stood properly, after leaning against a pillar outside their house, blowing bubbles with my chewing gum. I lightly touched my head to feel my curls loosely hanging from the bun I had neatly tied up this morning. I sighed, who was I even trying to impress? Straightening my clothes, I walked up to the grand white door that was the only thing keeping me from the horrible people inside. I groaned inwardly, hesitating before forecefully pressing the house bell. 

I had to keep my toes curled hard to keep myself from running away like a little child. I was nineteen for goodness sakes, I couldn't act childish. 

The door slowly opened revealing the nicely groomed butler inside the house. Ugh I should have known. How typical. 

He had an unusual expression on his face, obviously wondering what a young girl like me, who probably looked like a scared little girl, was doing stood on the front step of the Woodfields household. I felt slightly concious about my ripped skinnies and striped sweater, with my cute little nude, bow pumps. He glared at me from top to bottom. Great even the butler looks down on me.

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