Chapter 12

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Avvi gasped as she heard a familiar voice from the amulet, "Gerald?!", she gasped as tears rolled down from her eyes. "Veronica?!", Laxus ran to her. "Whats wrong?", he asked worriedly. "It's my son.", she smiled. "Her son?!", they all gasped except for the people who knew about it. "S-she has a son?", the Blue Pegasus gasped. "She's so young.", Jenny gasped. "She only looks young.", Cana said as she drinks more booze. Then Avvi immediately ran to her stand and held the amulet. Laxus followed her, "Hmm... how do I get out of here...", she sighed. "Wait! You have no idea how to free your son?!", Laxus asked and Avvi sighed as she shook her head. "Nope. I don't. In this case I need Jellal's help. Maybe after the battle between Wendy and Sheria.", she said as she purified the amulet. Before she wore the amulet she had second thoughts, "Wait. I can't wear this. It might take my dad's and my sister's powers from me and then transfer to them....", she sighed. "How about me?", Laxus asked. "No. It might take away yours too and transfer it to your dad.... we need someone who we can trust, who doesn't hold a grudge from my dad, sis, and your dad, and someone who is really nice.", Avvi explained. "How about me? I can hold onto that amulet for a while until we go back to our inn.", Mira smiled. "Hmmm... okay!", Avvi smiled and Laxus looked at her, "You sure?", he asked and Avvi nodded. "Yeah.", she smiled and Avvi placed the amulet on Mira. "There.", Avvi smiled. "Mother? What's happening?", Gerald asked from the amulet. "Gerald. Auntie Mira will wear the amulet for a while until your father comes over and free you. Is that okay?", Avvi said to him. "Yeah! It's okay mother!", Gerald answered her back and this made Mira chuckle. "Hi there! I'm Mirajane. But you can call me Mira- Wait! Auntie Mira is more cooler!", she smiled. "Okay Auntie Mira! I'm Gerald!", Gerald said happily. This made Avvi happy and relieved that her son is getting along with her friends.

After the battle, they went back to their inn. Along with Makarov, Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Mavis, Queen Ace, Cana, Carla, and Happy. Then Avvi called Jellal on his phone that she gave so that they could communicate, for Gerald. As soon as Jellal got Avvi's call, he, Ultear and Meredy immediately went to their inn. They went through the window, "Are we late?!", Jellal panted and they all laughed at him. "Nope.", Erza chuckled. Then Mira gave Jellal the amulet and chanted the spell. The amulet glowed and freed a 5 year old boy that had purple hair, blue eyes, and a red tattoo on his right eye just like his dad. "Mother! Father!", Gerald smiled and his parents hugged him as they cried. "I thought I would never see you again!", Avvi cried. "I missed you!", Jellal cried as well. They all pulled away and Gerald looked around, "Hi! You must be mother's and father's friends! I'm Gerald Jerza Nightmares-Fernandes.", he bowed. "Wait! Jerza?!", Natsu, Gray, Ultear, Meredy, and Happy laughed while Erza blushed. "Yeah. Jellal told me a lot of stories about Erza- and now I just remembered, no wonder Erza's name sounded familiar.", Avvi chuckled and she just remembered. "Jellal... we should talk to him.... about...", she looked at Jellal and nodded. The three went to the corner of the room, "What is it mother? father?", Gerald asked. "You see son... a few month before the destruction.... me and your father-", before Avvi finished Gerald sighed, "Are divorce? Yeah I know.", he grinned. "Huh?! how?!", his parents asked and he chuckled, "well it was a little too obvious. And you guys! It's fine! I understand.", he smiled. "Are you sure?", Avvi asked and Gerald nodded, "Yup. Super!", he grinned. "See I told you Iris! He's smart! Just like his mom!", Jellal said and Avvi chuckled, "Okay okay. Well, let's go back to the others.", she said and they walked back to where the others are. And Queen Ace hugged him, "How's my favorite grandson!", she hugged him tightly. "Uhh... Im your only grandson and grandchild, grandma. And grandma? your squishing me.", Gerald chuckled nervously. "Oh! sorry dear!", she pulled away. And then Avvi introduced him to his friends and especially to Laxus, "Son. This is Laxus Dreyar. My......", Avvi was a bit nervous and Gerald chuckled, "Your boyfriend?", he smiled and Avvi nodded, "Yeah.", she smiled. Laxus kneeled down to the kid and extended his hand to him, "Hi.", he smiled and Gerald shake his hand, "Hi!", he smiled. "Sooo.... if you ever break my mother's heart, I promise you I kill you.", Gerald grinned and this made everyone shock except for Laxus. "I promise you. I won't.", he smiled. "Good!", Gerald smiled.

After catching up, the others went back to their inn while Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear went back to their hiding place and continued on investigating. Gerald understands that his dad will be too busy since he is still wanted. Gerald, Laxus, and Avvi slept in one bed. They really fit in one bed, cause Gerald was a kid. Gerald was in the middle of Laxus and Avvi, sleeping happily. Avvi looked at them and she smiled, "What are you smiling at?", Laxus asked. "Well... I'm just wondering how you'll handle things on taking care of my son one time.", Avvi teased as she chuckled a little, she didn't wanted to be too loud since everyone was sleeping. "I don't know how to deal with kids.", Laxus sighed looking at her and this made her chuckled again, "Yeah good luck with that.", she said and then she yawned. "Anyways.... Good night.", she smiled at him and Laxus smiled at her, "Good night.", he said


Unlike Raven Tail, they don't know that me and dad just used them. As me and my dad went to the castle and met with this Rogue guy from the future, "Did you guys got the crown?",
he asked and then I sighed, "Nope.", I said calmly. He got so upset, "Then what are you two doing here?!", he asked. "Patience, we have another plan.", my dad said and I nodded. "We plan to corrupt her so she could be in our side.", I crossed my arms. The lame guy sighed, "Fine, whatever! Just hurry it up so I can be the dragon king!", he said and my dad nodded calmly. "We will.", I sighed as I walked out. That guy is so stupid that he doesn't even know we're just using him to go back in time to get the Dark Blade of Nightmares before it was destroyed. Then I realized my amulet is not with me... that means Gerald might've heard our plans. And he knows, he'll report it to Althea. Good thing I have plan B. But I'm sure I won't be needing plan B.


~~~~Avvi's dream~~~~
It was dark.... and I hear water flowing.... it's like I'm in a cave.... I walked around and there was a sword in the stone. Am I in a dream about King Arthur again? The sword was pure black. Then there was a man standing there, "Only the chosen one who is balanced is worthy of the sword.", he said. He looked familiar, but I couldn't remember..... And the sword was familiar as well... I looked at the sword, and it looked like it was calling out for me. I couldn't understand but it was like a song calling to me.

(A/N: I know it was a useless and shitty chapter but the good parts are coming! Don't worry!)

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