"I got a call from here and they said my step-son got shot. They need my say so for something since I'm his guardian or whatever." He seems pretty pissed about something but I don't get what. His step-son got shot! He should be more worried than mad.

On the same day as Niall too. What a weird coincidence....

"I should go now. Nice meetin' ya kid." He steps on the half-smoked cigarette and walks into the hospital.

Maybe I should go too. Maybe Niall's out of surgery?

I crush my cig and walk back into the waiting room which, to my surprise, is empty.

Where is everyone? Did something happen? Why didn't they look for me?

I get angrier with every step I take to the nurses desk.

 "Excuse me? I'm looking for Niall Horan." I mutter to her through gritted teeth.

"Are you Zayn?" She looks at me up and down.

"Yes. Now where is he?" I have no patience for this right now.

She frowns at me but starts clicking at her computer.

"He just got out of surgery. We moved him to a regular room since he's doing better. He's resting right now but you can go see him. Room 614. Down that way to the left." She points me toward a hall way to my right and I rush down, barely avoiding doctors and nurses pushing gurneys or medicine carts.

I quickly find the room and run in, swinging the door open.

What I see makes me stop in my tracks.


*Niall's POV*

Even though I closed my eyes, the pain was still there.

It was mainly my chest.  Everything else was just numb....

I know what happened. Josh shot me and now I'm in the hospital.

In surgery.

You'd think I'd be dreaming right now, right? But I'm not. The pain is keeping me conscious of what's happening.

I can feel the doctor's cutting my stomach, but it doesn't hurt. It's more of a pinch, nothing else.

I feel the doctor's poking around in my stomach and pulling the bullet out. But it still hurts....

Why does it still hurt? I just want the pain to go away.

I feel them stick some things into my arms, I'm guessing needles, bringing some feeling back but not much. Then I feel them stitch up my stomach.

Don't they now I can feel everything?!  Isn't there some medicine they're supposed to give me? This is seriously creepy!

After some time, I feel the needles leave my arms and some putting something soft on the places they once were. They weren't there long but I feel strangely empty with out them.

They wrap something around my head and I feel air burst onto my nose and mouth. I can breathe, why would I need that?

I try to breathe in but I feel a sharp stabbing.....

Course. Niall. You got shot in the stomach, of course it's going to hurt to breathe. Duh.

I feel them move me to lay on something hard. Ugh. It's definitely not a bed. Maybe a gurney?

We stop moving and I feel them move me again on something so plush and soft, it feels like a cloud.

They wrap me in a blanket, with my arms over it and I feel the needles come back. I start to feel weak.

Give Me One Chance (Ziall/Larry)Where stories live. Discover now