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I wasn't blaming him. I didn't think he'd actually do something bad. I guess I was wrong. I know we technically weren't together anymore, but it hurt, a lot, to hear him say those words. I had to get away. So I ran out of the flat building and collapsed. I fell to the ground, my knees hitting the hard pavement. I placed my head in my hands and screamed into them. I felt a hand being placed on my back. I flinched away and continued to sob loudly.

"Andy, calm down. It's me." I heard Brook's voice. I peeked through my fingers slightly and saw Brook looking at me, worry laced in his green eyes. He opened his arms and I pinged myself into them, grabbing onto him tightly.

"H-how could he, Brook?" I sobbed into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I don't know. But he's stupid for everything he's done to you. After everything you've been through. You don't need him, Andy." He whispered and held me tightly. I pulled away from him.

"But that's the problem, Brook. No matter how many times I try to deny it, no matter how many people tell me it, I do need him and I always will. He was the one that was there for me when no one else was. After Hannah broke up with he, he noticed I wasn't ok. He knew I was drinking way more than usual. He stopped me from drinking. For God's sake, he brought me out of the darkest point in my life. He and his family took me in when my dad through me out. He was there when my mum was out in the hospital, when she passed away, at her funeral. He was always there. Always. And he made sure I was ok. He made sure I was in the least amount of pain possible at all times. He held me and he sang to me and fuck Brook, I need him, I love him. And he needs me, he loves me. What am I gonna do, Brook?" I rambled on as I slowly stood up and began to panic. He's what kept me sane. I kept him sane. And now that we're not together, were both going crazy.

"I tried to always be there. I wanted to always be there. And then when you tried to be there for me, I pushed you away. I wanted you gone and out of my life because I felt I didn't deserve to be helped. You deserved everything I gave you. But the thing is, I felt as if I never deserved you. I felt like a horrible human being and a horrible boyfriend and band are and best friend. And I honestly wished that I had never gotten with you in the first place after u broke up with you because I knew I hurt you. And if I hadn't ever been with you then you wouldn't have been hurt, at least not by me. But now I understand. Now I know that I didn't hurt you before then, I helped you. And frick, Andy, I feel like such an idiot. I know this probably won't help anything and I've probably messed up too much, but I'm sorry. If I could take it all back, I would. I just wanted you back in my arms. I want to be able to breathe in the smell of your shampoo as I fall asleep to the rhythm of your heartbeat. I want you back, Andy." I turned around to see Rye standing there, hat no longer on his head, his hair everywhere. I saw the fresh tears on his cheeks and the hopeful glint in his eyes that maybe, just maybe, I would forgive him.

And what can I say, other than that I truly did forgive him. Maybe I was being dumb, but I know he needs me and I know I need him. I know he loves me, and, I know I love him too.

"Rye..." I said softly before my body took over and I ran into his awaiting arms.

His embrace was so warm and comforting. It was familiar, and it was home.

"I'm so sorry. And I know that's just a dumb word, but I truly am. And I hope that I can make it up to you and that we can make this work because I truly can't live with out you, Andy. You make me feel butterflies in my stomach and you make me happier than anyone else can. I live you so much." He leaned down and whispered into my ear. I smiled against his chest and wrapped my arms tighter around his waist.

"It's ok, Rye. And I promise that we'll make it work, somehow."


-|Oof. Idk. Idk how I feel about this. I just dk. But hey at least there on good terms now. And yeah. Double update woo. Ilyasm, thank you for all your amazing support and the comments on the last chapter. I really wasn't happy with it but you guys made me feel better about it, so thank you❤️|-

Oh and this is unedited because it's late and I'm just way too tired to edit it lol. Sorryyyy😬😂

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