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*'In My Blood'-Shawn Mendes*


It feels like the walls are caving in. I feel like giving up. But I know that I can't. It's just not in my blood.

I lay down on the bathroom floor. I feel nothing. I'm so overwhelmed and I'm insecure. I need something to ease my mind even if it's slow.

Just have a drink or two. It'll make everything better.

They keep telling me it'll get better, but does it ever?

I need help. The walls are closing in on me. I want to give up. No medicine is strong enough to take away the pain.

Someone, anyone, please. I'm crawling in my own skin.

I'm gonna give up.

No, NO! I can't. It's not in my blood.

I look through the comments. I'm anxious. I don't wanna be alone. I hate this. I try to chill out. I can't breathe.

Is there somebody who could help me? The walls just keep caving in. I just feel like giving up. There's no medicine strong enough to help me now. I'm crawling in my skin.

I feel like giving up. But I can't. It isn't in my blood.

I need somebody now. Someone to help me out. I need somebody now.

It isn't in my blood.


"Rye?" Andy's soft voice fills my ears amongst my loud sobs.

He crouched down beside me and pulled me up into his chest. I fell limp in his embrace. He's here to help me. I know I can't give up. Not with him around anyways.

"I'm here, babe. Breathe. Hang in there, it's gonna be ok. I'm right here. You can get through this, Rye. Just let me help you." He whispered, his lips brushing up against my ear love as he spoke. Shivers went down my spine and I clutched onto his shirt tightly.

"I love you, Andy. Please help me."

"Of course, babe. I wanna help you so bad. I'll do everything I can."


-|Oo chapter 1. I'm excited!❤️|-

In My Blood - Sequel to 'Hold On'Where stories live. Discover now