Crush On Mr. Cute

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It's been a few days since I started Superstar High & I've been having a pretty good time. Shawn is in almost all of my classes. He's the most compassionate boy I've ever met... and the cutest. Charli & I call him Bubble as a code name because he's very bubbly AND he loves bubble gum. I know that it sounds corny but I hung a picture of him in my locker. I just love to stare in to his beautiful hazel eyes. I could stare at them forever and ever and ever and ever. _________________________________________________________________

*Charli comes up to Bebe and shuts her locker.*

Charli: B, you've been staring at that boy's picture for the entire free period. You're the most boy crazy person I've ever met!

Bebe: Hey! I'm not that crazy. You're have just as big of a crush on Bear. (Bear is the code name for Cameron Dallas.)

*Charli blushes and sighs.*

Charli: You're right... but it's never gonna happen. A million other girls like him and he definitely likes someone else.

Bebe: Not true! He practically jumped to be your lab partner in biology.

Charli: Bubble did the same for you. He picked you within a millisecond of when Mr. White told us to pick partners.

*Cameron & Shawn walk up to Bebe's locker*

Cameron: Hey Charli; Hi Bebe.

B & C: Hey Cameron!

Cameron: So Charli, since we're on our free bell, do you maybe wanna go get some coffee or something.

Charli: Of course Cameron!

*Charli & Cameron walk off to the local Starbucks leaving Shawn & Bebe behind*

Shawn: He's been working up the courage to ask her out for weeks now.

Bebe: Trust me, I knew that she'd definitely say yes.                                                                   _________________________________________________________________

Shawn and I talk for a few more minutes. I study his face some more. He has dimples that light up his face. He always seems to be chewing a stick of spearmint gum. His laugh is the most gentle sound ever. Music to my ears. Suddenly the bell rings. The free period is over. I wait for Charli to show up so we can get to class. She doesn't show up until the bell signifying that class has started rings. When she and Cameron finally walk in the door, the three of us run to class. Mrs. Carey asks to see our late passes from the office. I nervously tell her that we have none. Her face turns into a frown. She hands me, Charli, & Cameron our own pink slips that read DETENTION at the top. I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment and take my seat. When class ends I slowly walk up to Charli.                                                                                                                                         _________________________________________________________________

Charli: Don't worry B. Detention's not that bad.

Bebe: Yes it is! We have to sit in a room and be quiet for an hour! What's worse?

Charli: Being eaten by a tiger...

Bebe: Charli! This is serious! I've never had detention before. I'll be grounded for life if my parents find out.

Charli: Well that's not good. They need to sign your detention slip.

*Bebe groans*

Bebe: My whole entire life is ruined.

Charli: I'm sure they won't be that mad. You were just late to class. It's not like you killed someone.

Bebe: I guess you're right...

Charli: I'm always right! Now come on, let's go to lunch.

*Bebe & Charli sit down at a table with Rita Ora & Dua Lipa.*

Charli: Hey Rita, Hey Dua. Where'd Camila go?

Dua: She went over to sit with the Junior Cheerleaders.

Rita: She thinks she's too good for us now that she's friends with a Taylor & Ariana.

Charli: Ugh. That's so annoying. Have you found anyone to do the rap verse on our song yet?

Rita: No, keep your eyes peeled. Lil Wayne, Lil Pump, Lil Xan, & Lil Yachty all offered to do it, but I declined. The song's called "Girls". Having a man would kind of ruin it. We also still need someone to do the second verse. Have you given it any more thought Bebe?

Bebe: I'm still not sure. I'll let you know in a few days. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a rapper too. Maybe one will magically appear in detention today!

Dua: Oof. You got detention. That's too bad,

Charli: Yeah, me too. But at least you'll be there Bebe... and Bear.

R & D: Oooooooooooooh!

Charli: We went out on a coffee date during our free bell. That's why we got detention. We were late back to school. Bebe was waiting for us outside the classroom.

Dua: So Bebe... have you seen any boys you think are cute?                                        ________________________________________________________________

I hadn't told Rita or Dua about my major crush on Shawn. I would have happily told Rita. She seemed super nice! Dua was the problem. Something about her gave me a bad vibe. I wouldn't be telling her about Shawn anytime soon.             _________________________________________________________________

Bebe: Nope, not really.

Dua: Oh... Okayyyyyyyyyyy.

*Dua eyes Bebe suspiciously as the end of lunch bell rings.

Charli: See you in detention B.

Bebe: Alright, see you.                                                                                                                     _________________________________________________________________

As I walked out of the cafeteria I turned around and instantly saw two faces. First I saw Shawn shoot me a grin. Then I saw Dua. Her icy stare was locked on me. I turned my head around and tried to forget it, but I could still feel her stone cold glare.

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