Ep.11: Not What He Seems

Start from the beginning

Stan: *avoiding the water from the water balloons* Whoa there! *laughs*

Mabel: *raising her popsicle* To Grunkle Stan!!! Not just a great uncle-!!!

Dipper: The greatest uncle!!!

You: Heh, yeah!!!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: *laugh, then throw water balloons at Stan*

Stan: *stands up* Alright, alright, I'll tell ya. It's unnatural for kids to get along as well as you do!

Mabel: Haha, don't worry!!! We just still got plenty of summer left to drive each other crazy!!! *hugs Dipper and you tightly*

Dipper: *pushes Mabel away causing a water balloon fall on her*

You: *hold a laugh*

Stan: *laughs awkwardly* Yeah, plenty of summer left...

You: Stan, are you ok...?

Stan: Kids, there's I uh... there's something I should tell you... It's um... well, it's complicated... I-... I'm gonna go refresh my soda. *goes inside the shack*

I looked at the twins who were just as confused as I was. Suddenly black cars started to park near and helicopters started flying above us. Men in black armor surrounded us, a few tackled Stan, and the rest broke into the house. A man had tied Stan's hands together and pressed him against a car.

Stan: Hey, hands off, you stooge!!! I-I don't understand!!! What did I do that warrants this much arresting?!?

Dipper: The government guys?!? I thought you got eaten by zombies!!! 

Trigger: We survived. Barely.

Power: I used Trigger as a human shield. He cried like a baby.

Trigger: Hey!!! Not in front of the special ops guys...

Power: *takes out an iPad and shows it to Stan* This is security footage of a government waste facility. At o-four hundred hours last night someone robbed three hundred gallons of dangerous waste.

Stan: What?!? You think that's me?!?

Power: Don't play dumb with us, Pines.

Stan: But- but I actually am dumb!!! Last night I was restocking the gift shop!!! I swear!!!

Mabel: Wait!!! Grunkle Stan!!! You've got the wrong guy!!! Our Grunkle Stan might shoplift the occasional tangerine but he's not some evil super villain!!!

Power: Listen, kid, we've been watching your family all summer and we've seen some disturbing things. But nothing as dangerous as what your uncle is hiding. Somewhere hidden in this shack is a doomsday device!

You, Dipper, and Mabel: !!!

Power: Trigger, you take the children. I'll talk to the old man. Sorry to break it to you, kids, but you don't know your uncle at all.

Trigger: *snaps his fingers*

Man: *takes Mabel's popsicle* Icy-Pop, clear!!!

Mabel: Hey!!!

We were forced to enter the policemen's car and locked in as Stan was forced to another car yelling that he was innocent. As Trigger started to drive us away, I started to panic inside.

Power: *in the car computer* We've got Mr. Pines in custody. Our men are searching the shack for that device. You take care of those kids. *hangs up*

Mabel: *gasp* What are you gonna do to us?!?

Trigger: We'll be taking you to child services.

Mabel: BOOOO!!!

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