Friendship to relationship

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Briars prov;
I entered onto set, you know like normal and for some reason I felt someone stare at me. You're probably like great she finally lost the plot, but seriously I feel it but I can't tell who. Everyone in the room so I can't easily see.
I was snapped out of thought when Shelby waved her fingers in front of me, she didn't realise I was back to reality so she kept doing it it was like she was doing a weird dance move or trying to swat a fly. I couldn't help but giggle "shelb, I'm in reality" I exclaimed trying to stop laughing but curling my lips "oh, r u ready for your scene with Myles today" she winks, what's that for. "What scene I haven't looked yet" her cheeky wink turns into a grin resembling the Cheshire Cat "well I think you should look" ok weird what is she on about, I flick through my script and find the scene. Oh that why...oh jeez I have to flirt and kiss him. Shit I'm gonna have to try hide my feelings why showing my feelings. Ok that don't make sense but u know what I mean, right? Anyway as I can tell I have a crush on Myles and I have since the new film season of season 3, I can't help it look at him. He literally god like wow ..... ok stop it briar be professional.
I must of got lost in my train of thought cause I didn't realise that certain someone come up to me. Myles.

Myles prov;
I looked at the script and I have a scene with briar, which I'm kinda excited for some reason, I don't know why I just got a tingly feeling. Omg I feel like a school boy in a playground. I can't feel like that though, can I ?
I walk up to her, you know to ask if she ok with it, I'm excited about it but I still want to be a gentleman and make sure she ok with it.
"Hey bri... umm are u ok with this sc-cne" I stutter nervously. I'm waiting for a response why I look into he beautiful emerald eyes. Oh god school boy alert, I'm getting butterflies. Shit... I shouldn't feel like this. I can't. She don't feel the same does she. " umm.... yeah I'm fine with it I guess, are you ?" She asks with a nervous smile. Aww she so cute. Dam it. "Urr.. yeah why wouldn't I be" oh god that sounds like I want it, well I do but I need to act cool.
But thankfully she says the same "same here, for some reason I'm kinda excited" really does she feel the same, I see her check flush rosey red and I can't help but see how beautiful and cute it is. "Really, same here" wow I didn't think this would happen today.

Briar prov;
Does he feel the same. God I hope he does. "Really, same here" he looks down nervously. Aww cute. "Why r u excited then" I decided to just go fro it. I just hope our friendship isn't ruined. I've know him for so long. I can't afford to ruin it but I guess my heart spoke before my brain and asked him why. Dam it what if he doesn't like me like that. Oh god what have I done. " umm...well..I...umm kinda think your cute and stuff" be says while he rubs the back of he neck, he always does that when he nervous, I find it cute. Omg its just entered My brain, ahhhhhh he feels the same way. Omg omg yay. Dam it he looks panicked, why ? Oh probably cause I have answered since I'm screaming inside ahhhhh. Shoot I need to to answer. "Well, umm..I..think..umm you cute and stuff to" I giggle a bit at the way I'm speaking and how excited I am. But before I could think anymore I feel lips being pressed on mine. Ahh omg I'm kissing Myles. Shit briar you need to kiss back, so I do. It feels like magic. A once friendship turned to a relationship.

I hope you liked this, I'm  new to this so I don't know. 😬😅 xox

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