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In my original account, (which still exists by the way) my first novel on this site was known as Wolverine Reborn. It was a way to cope with saying goodbye to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Before I saw Avengers Infinity War, I'd considered maybe doing a sequel to Wolverine Reborn where it centered on our clawed mutant with the Secret Avengers, fighting against Thanos and his underlings, and how he'd be affected by it. But I backed out on that idea after I saw Infinity War. (Twice by the way!) How could I make a story like Infinity War, and shoehorn in Wolverine? But now I've thought of a better story. It takes place after Infinity War, Logan, and Spider-Man 3. This will be kind of a reboot to Wolverine Reborn. And since I mentioned Spider-Man 3, yes, Tobey Maguire's version of Spider-Man appears. My dad suggested it. I figured The Avengers would need an extra set of hands. The reason Punisher isn't in this novel is, well, I couldn't find any use for him. I'm not sure if canonically, he's faded from existence thanks to Thanos, but let's say his "death" is what motivates The Defenders to fight Thanos. And Hawkeye also disappears because that's what happened in the Infinity Gauntlet comic. And why is James Earl Jones The Watcher? Because there's no other powerful voice that's more suitable than the voice of Mufasa. Now normally, I don't god-mode or do Deus Ex Machina's. An Ex Machina/god-mode is usually frowned upon in movies, stories, and the roleplaying community. But the main reason Wolverine is immune to the Gauntlet's effects is because it would be anticlimactic if Thanos were to turn his bones into rubber like the comics. So, it makes some justifiable sense for Thanos to be weakened by an unfamiliar substance like Adamantium. Aside from these cheats, I hope you all enjoy this story.

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