I don't understand - Roman x Logan & Patton x Virgil

Start from the beginning

He didn't realise he would be so happy when he finally understood...

He was in love with Roman.

Later that day, Logan stood at the entrance for the living room, it being late in the evening, and both Patton and Virgil were cuddled up with no space between, watching a silly but cute Disney movie, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears every so often.

Logan moved to sit beside the two, Patton pausing the movie once he realised Logan was staring at them, waiting to be able to speak.

"You were right, Patton" Logan sighed out, adjusting his glasses. "I...I am in love with Roman"

Meanwhile, said aspect came out of his shower minutes before Logan spoke to the two aspects in the living room. Quickly drying himself off and changing into his white, red and gold pyjamas. He could hear that they were watching a Disney movie, and right now a Disney marathon sounded like a great way to relax from the day of adventures he just endured.

Striding down the hallway, he opened his mouth to speak when he spotted all three on the couch, Logan speaking loud enough for him to hear.

"I...I am in love with Roman

Wh...what?! What!?

The Logan Sanders was in love with him?! The same Logan Sanders he has crushed on for the last few months!? He...returned his feelings? After all this time, he returns them? After acting nonchalant around Roman, treating him like a normal friend, he RETURNS HIS FEELINGS?!

Roman could faint. Roman was going to faint! Roman was FAINTING!

Logan whipped around when he heard a thud, Patton tightening his grip on Virgil after the anxious aspect flinched. They waited in silence before a dazed looking Roman stumbled up into a standing position, pointing at Logan who was frozen but also shaking at the same time.

"You love me?" Roman whispered, he wanted to make sure, he didn't want to have heard him wrong, oh how much he wanted this to be true! How he's longed for love for so long!

Mouth drying, Logan reached for anything, finding himself gripping Patton's arm in some sort of comforting way, silently asking the child-like aspect for help. "You can do this, Kiddo" Patton whispered to him so Roman couldn't hear, Logan gulping as his hands shook, heart hammering against his rib cage so hard he thought it might break!

"You got this, Lo" Virgil whispered afterwards, smirking at Roman who had to grip the doorway so he wouldn't fall again.

"I..." he cleared his throat, letting Patton go to stand up, taking a few steps towards Roman who's eyes shone in delight.

"I do, Roman..."

"Jeez, it's like they're getting married" Virgil drawled, Patton only quietly shushing him so he could watch (record) the exchange.

Laughing in pure happiness, Roman dragged Logan into a tight hug, closing his eyes as he tried to comprehend it all!

"I do hope you requite my feelings" Logan spoke after Roman let him go, oblivious to the fact that Roman obviously loved him back!

"Oh my god!" Virgil exclaimed, once again being quietened by Patton who slapped some popcorn into his mouth, watching it like it was a cheesy romantic movie.

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