Radek was still holding me, completely unconcerned with his own wounds. The Bat was almost involuntarily curling his wings over us, like a guardian.
My guardian.

"Radek, it's fine. We need to get to some medical supplies." I made to get up but Radek fixed me with a concerned look. "Not another word." He sternly commanded and picked me up to bring us inside the cabin.

Just as we were about to enter a voice screamed at us. "PUT THE TROOPER DOWN! OR I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I'LL PUT THIS WHOLE BELT OF ROUNDS IN YOU!"

As Radek turned I got a look at the source of the noise and my eyes widened.


My squadmate appeared so much worse then I had seen him last. His dark skin was blemished with bruises and scratches and his trench coat was tattered, the chestpeice missing completely. Marks eyes were wild and the SAW he carried was down to its last belt.

"I see you have met our furry friends as well." Radek stated with a bored tone. "I am going to kill you now." He made to put me down and stride forward until I grabbed a hold of the top of his chestplate.

"Don't." I all but ordered.

Mark was looking between us with wide eyes, catching the way the Raven looked at me. "Ok, what the fuck?" He demanded.

Radek seemed about to give a snide answer when seven black quads burst from the trees. The Headhunters dismounted, ignoring the bodies in the snow, and all began to yell for me to step away from the Raven, something I was definitely not going to do.

"Stand down! He's not a threat!" I barked, managing to get them to stop yelling for me to get down. "Who's in charge of this squad?" I inquired. The group of hunters lowered their guns and a Man stepped forward, tall and dark eyed. He gave Mark a look as he passed, obviously he had not expected to encounter a situation like this.

"I am, names Wilkes. You apart of the local contingent?"

I gave a snort. "Yeah, so is Mark over there, we're all that's left at this point."

"That butcher bird yours?" Wilkes asked, gustering at Radek..

I turned to look at Radek, who was fixing each hunter with his own personal death glare.

"I can't control him if thats your question." I answered simply.

Another salvo of artillery and flak impacted with the Black Bird, causing the steel behemoth to bank slightly before righting itself. I heard Radek chuckle behind me.

"Something funny?" Mark snapped at Radek.

Radek just gave him a wolfish grin. "Something will be."

The Black Bird soon began to spew forth fighters and dropships, most likely creating a beachhead of troops at the Cascades highway.

"Look, we'd love to stay and chat but we need to move, now. I got no qualms with bringing you two along, hunters are in short supply as is, but he goes elsewhere." Wilkes decreed, pointing his finger at Radek for emphasis.

"Radek stays, he's too valuable to simply drive off." I argued.

"I let him come he'll do us in like these poor shits."
Wilkes toed the RFü's body. "Sides', I doubt he's got the... stomach, they got stomachs right? Anyway it just ain't a good idea so I dunno, tie him up or something."

A large gray hand placed itself gently on my shoulder. "Stay safe, little finch." With that he boldly strode past me and launched himself in the air before the others could react.

Teutonica: Black Birds Where stories live. Discover now