Chapter 12

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I can do this all day...

"Nick Fury?" Tony said in confusion. "He's a secret mechanic now?" He continued.

Pepper chuckled. "Well, not that mechanic but he brought back S.H.I.E.L.D. and then created a mechanic group in order to hire mechanics for S.H.I.E.L.D. They have machines just like yours, Tony. When his and your machines create your Marks and the other weapons and suits. It will be much faster to recover." Pepper explained.

Tony nodded and the Avengers talked a bit again on how they can defeat Mark. Mark is just there, disguised and hidden. Listening at their plans.

It is now 12 AM and the plane landed on the airport. The Avengers went into private driving services in order to not be seen by the public...

~London, United Kingdom~

The Guardians looked at the beautiful city. Distracted from the amazing, night view. "It's beautiful." Gamora mumbled. Peter also looked at the nearest window beside him and looked at the city view. After some time, the vans that carried them went into a dirty alleyway. The vans kept going then they passed a hologram.

"There it is. The new S.H.I.E.L.D." Pepper said. It is clearly new. Several buildings next to each other with only a small area for the Helicarriers to park and takeoff. They walk into a building and got greeted by a familiar woman, Maria Hill. "Hey, Maria." Natasha then hugged her. "Glad you all people are back." Maria smiled. She led them into an almost white, blank room. And, saw the man himself. Nick Fury.

"The Avengers. Long time, no see." Nick stood up to walk near them. "Who are you guys?" Nick asked, pointing at Peter, T'Challa, Okoye, Strange, Scott, Hope, and the Guardians. "Oh. This is Peter aka Spiderman. This is the king of Wakanda, T'Challa or..." Tony start to forget his words. "Black Panther." T'Challa took over "-This is Okoye." Okoye bowed slightly before standing still again.

"I'm Doctor Strange."Strange introduced himself. "And, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy. Really... we saved the galaxy about three times now." Quill said. "Mhm..." Rocket nodded. "Hey that third one have us." Tony added, which made Steve and Thor laugh a bit. "And, I am Ant-Man and she is the Wasp." Scott points his finger at Hope.

"I know you. Hank Pym is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. He even gave me blueprints of his tech." Nick then looked at Captain Marvel.

"Hello, Captain Marvel." Nick then smiled.
"Hello, Nick Fury. It's... well. Nice to meet you again." Captain Marvel and Nick Fury then shook hands.

"So, why are you guys here?" Nick asked.

"Mark Terrilo." Tony then showed a hologram with pictures of Mark and his information.

"Mark Terrilo is the new child of Thanos. After we saved the universe, Thanos died but he already have this kid. He also have the powers of the Infinity Stones but he doesn't need the stones in order to have powers. Because, Thanos shared it." Tony explained.

"We guess that Thanos ordered Mark something that are related to us." Tony said.

"Yeah, he wants us to be dead." Peter exclaimed.

Everyone then looked at him, with their faces in pure confusion. "What?" Tony said with a confused face.

"He is planning to kill us. He starts to ruin and destroy any backup plans and backup at all. Then, he will kill us." Peter continued.

Steve walked up to him, "How do you know this?" Steve asked.

"He talked to me. He already got my information ball and destroyed my suit and my weapons. He is destroying our backup." Peter said with his voice raising as if he is stressed in the end.

Nick looked at Tony, "Tony." Tony then looked at him.

"What should we do?" Nick asked.



THANK YOU GUYS!!! I will also start to make longer chapters... And some upcoming Marvel fanfics also. I am planning to do a love story.

A Peter Parker one because there is so many concepts and plots that you can think about when creating a Peter fanfic and I decided to also make one in the future.

Stay tuned...

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