Chapter 7: Something To Do

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Booooooored. So boooored. Why is there nothing to doooooo?? All these random annoying and distracting thoughts from university are clouding Y/N's mind. Today was supposed to be her day off, where she could do her own thing and maybe chill, watch a movie, go shopping, but nooo.

She desperately turned on her TV again, flicking aimlessly though the channels, hoping and praying that there was something for her to watch that wasn't a rerun. Nothing.

Y/N threw her hands up in the air in frustration before bringing them down to rub her eyes. She knew she had to force herself to get up from the comfy couch to clean herself up, because god forbid if anyone saw her in this state. Her hair was a mess of knots and her face dry from not moisturising yet.

Staring at the roof for a while she started to get the sense that she felt very unclean, prompting her to shower and treat herself. Y/N smiled at the thought of the hot water running down her skin and the fresh smell of her cherry blossom shampoo. This time, she enthusiastically jumped up and bolted into the bathroom to fix herself up.

Feeling instant relief as the steam and heat from the water beaded against her skin, she cleaned herself with a smile on her face, enjoying the relaxing scent as well. Once she cleaned herself up to her satisfaction she jumped out of the wet tub and wrapped a towel around her, drying herself off using the soft fabric and changing before walking back into the living room.

Y/N plonked herself onto the couch, snuggling up to her warm oversized sweater and daggy tracksuit pants, She reaches over and grabbed her dormant phone from the bench next to her, flicking through her contacts looking for a certain person.

She smiled to herself as she pressed on the contact name 'Sunshine Hobi ✨' then held the phone up to her ear. It rung, once, twice (hehe), three times before he picked up and yelled out loudly from the other side "MY DONGSAENG!!!! ANNYEONG!"

Y/N cringed at the ear piercing shriek, pulling the device away from her ear until the crazy male stopped yelling. Once she heard the screaming cease she placed the phone back up to her ear.

"Hobi, why do you do that??? I was nice and relaxed before you screamed your lungs out directly into my eardrum." She grunted sternly, rubbing her temple in a circular motion.

She heard Hoseok laugh on the other line.
"Haha, I'm sorry jagi, it almost like we haven't talked in foreverrrrr." He dramatically groaned.

Y/N chuckled "It's okay, just warm me next time before you make my ears bleed thanks." After a minute of silence trying to calm down again Y/N spoke up. "Hobiiiii~ come over I'm bored as all hell and have nothing to do." She whined.

After a short sigh from him on the opposite side he agreed "Alright I'll come down, but don't make that annoying whiny noise, you're not a baby."

Y/N grinned "Ha! Now you know how I feel when you yell like a banshee!"

Hoseok nodded knowing that she wouldn't be able to see him. "Alright, alright I see your point, youuu winnnnn." He added knowing that would make you feel happy.

She smiled "Heck yeah I am! Now hurry up and get your butt here already! Y/N continued before hanging up the phone.

-Hoseok POV-

After Y/N ended the call I dropped my arms to my side and sat my phone on the bedside table.

I stared at the room for a while just thinking about us. Getting off a call with her makes me so happy I can't explain it. She gives me butterflies in my stomach, and I can't help but like her y'know?

You thought out loud as your leg fidgeted. "I can't love her, she can't love me, I'm a friend to her and she is my friend, I think?" There was silence for a while before you spoke out again. "I want to be more than friends, but it won't be possible." You sighed out lightly before sitting up from your bed, and grabbing your car keys to make your way to
Y/N's apartment

-Third Person POV-
Y/N stayed in the same baggy clothes she wore from before when Hoseok arrived. She didn't mind around him, they were comfortable enough to go around not looking their best and not get judged by each other. That's why she loved her friendship with Hobi, because it was chill, and fun!

He entered the room and was instantly attacked with a massive bear hug from Y/N. "Thank god you're here! I was bored out of my friggen braiiiin" she jumped off him and leaped onto the sofa.

Hoseok laughed out loud and joined her. "Y/N you're a pabo you know that??" He playfully pushed her lightly and she fell onto the leather.

"I knowwww! But anyways, let's do something! Go out somewhere?" She lifted her head up to look at him, waiting for a response.

He took a short time to think of someplace they could go. "Hmm maybe we could go to the shopping centre? Maybe the swimming pools? The movies?" Hoseok added giving Y/N some ideas.

"Ooooh lets go to the movies! I wanted to watch Incredibles 2 for sooo long. Then after you can just chill at mine for a while! Maybe sleepover!!" She jumped around happily, super pumped for the movie and the possible sleepover. Y/N looked at Hoseok with gleeful eyes awaiting his reaction.

He laughed at her childish behaviour. "Ahhh Y/N you're such a child. Of course we can, I'm free tomorrow anyway! But before I come back to yours we need to buy many snacks we can chill and watch Netflix!"

She blushed lightly at his last proposal "Um Hobi, you want to Netflix and chill?" Y/N covered her face in embarrassment, feeling her cheeks heat up. She just couldn't imagine Hoseok wanting to do anything provocative, especially with her.

After some time Hoseok realised what he had said and quickly spat out "A-ani Aniya! I meant we can just cool down and watch some films! Get your mind out of the gutter Y/N."

She removed her hands from her face quickly after he explained himself, she got scared there for a second. Haha! "A-anyway, lets go to the movies and book the tickets before they sell out." She proposed standing up from the couch and grabbing her backpack, throwing in her purse as well as a water bottle and her phone.

Hoseok stood up and followed her outside to his parked car. Since he drove here they will be taking his car to the theatre.

10 minutes later of laughing and blasting the loudest k-pop music, such as VIXX 'Love me do' and SHINEE 'Dream Girl', they arrived at the movies.

They strolled through the arcade area before making their way to the register to purchase their tickets. Hoseok was more open socially so he did most of the talking. Y/N had always looked up to him in that sense, how he never changed his personality despite where he was. She guessed that's why they were such close friends.

——-After the movie——-

Y/N bounced up and down in the spot, "That. Was. AWESOME! I had feelings of nostalgia the whooole time."

"Yesss! It was great to see something new after so many years!" Hoseok added, smiling like an idiot at you being a goofball. He stopped for a moment hearing rain pouring down heavily, and thunder booming from outside. Chuckling he turned to Y/N "And to think going to the swimming pools was one of my options, we probably would have gotten electrocuted if we chose that."

She laughed out loud at his prior option to swim, imagining the horror yet adrenaline they would be feeling, from swimming in dangerous waters. Well, Hoseok probably would have passed out from that fear, but she would have enjoyed the rush.

They stood at the entrance if the movie theatre for what seemed to be forever, waiting for the storm to calm down somewhat. It didn't help that it was a summer storm so not only was it wet, it was humid and muggy as well. 20 minutes later Y/N knew the weather wasn't going to die down, so she grabbed Hosoek's hand and pulled him toward the car, running through the pouring rain. "QUICK UNLOCK THE CAR!" She yelled laughing as Hoseok screamed his lungs out.

She heard the beep of the car and let go of his wrist as they both ran and jumped into the car. Y/N heard Hoseok lock the doors and pant heavily before unleashing his shrill voice. "Y/N ARE YOU CRAZY??? WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN STRUCK BY LIGHTNING!"

She laughed out loud again and waved Hoseok off, "But we didn't! So let's just get back to mine and chill so we can start our sleepover."

Hoseok huffed playfully and started the engine, driving back to Y/N apartment. Luckily for the both of them the thunderstorm finally stopped and the setting sun was now visible though the grey clouds.

Lone Wolf: BTS Hybrid AU (Yoongi x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora