Chaper 1: Sighting

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A/N: Welcome, welcome to my first book! I hope you all enjoy!

-----First person--- Y/N POV-----
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

"Ugh, why?" You stir as that annoying sound you hear almost every morning, tearing you from that peaceful slumber, is back once again. You swear to yourself as you force your dead weight to roll over and stand on you sore legs.

Looking over to the source of the familiar sound, you groan and smack it so it turns off, to which you then haul yourself to your kitchen to eat something.

"Hmmm, Cheerios? Coco Pops?" You unconsciously talk to yourself. This was part of the reason why you only have a select few friends, some people just found you too weird to want to hang out with. Oh well.

Grabbing the box of Cheerios, you pour your milk in and then your cereal, a grave sin, and you sit your butt onto the wooden chair to enjoy your meal.

While slowly chewing on your food you received a notification from your best friend Hoseok. "Y/N! Where the heck are you???? Class started like 2 hours ago!!!"

Your heart stopped when you checked the time, 11:30am. "Shit! Sprinting from your seat into your room, you threw the first set of clothes you could find before you grabbed your bag, phone and keys, rushing out the door.

Arriving at the gates of your university, you carried your heavy legs to your class. Upon entering, you found a very annoyed looking Hosoek staring at you from his seat. Pink flushed your cheeks in embarrassment as you sat beside him.


"Don't even start, I slept in." You interrupted before you were forced to hear a mile long lecture from him.

The class remained very quiet throughout the rest of the day until you were dismissed, that's when Hoseok went crazy.

"What the flip Y/N??! I came in early so I could see my bestie only for you to sleep in, rude!" He yells as he attacks you with tight hugs, once he lets go you see his smiling faced turn into a shocked one. "Jagiya, have you heard the news??"

"What news?" You asked clearly confused by his statement.

"The news of the sightings found of a rare, bright-yellow eyed beast around Riverwalk Woods last night! Tell me you've heard of it?" He grabbed you hand and ducked to your eye level.

"I never heard of it' I haven't checked my phone since midday yesterday?" You say as a matter-of-factly.

"You didn't check it this morning like you always do?"

"Oh, you know, I would've if someone hadn't had kept me up all night last night asking for the answers for the assignment!!" You raise your voice and frown at Hosoek.

"Ah, yeah, sorry jagi. Saranghae!" <3. He made a heart shape with his hand in your face.

You laughed, you couldn't stay mad at him. "Come on, go home, I need to sleep so I'm not late again tomorrow morning." You waved him off.

He pulled you into another hug. "Okay Y/N! See ya tomorrow!" He let go and practically skipped to the bus stop.

You smiled and walked to your car. You could finally go home and relax, or so you thought. The second you got home and connected to the internet, your phone blew up with notifications from your other friends.

Jisung: Y/N! Y/N! Have you heard the news???


You raised an eyebrow, why was everyone freaking out about this? There's no way it's true, it's probably some sort of myth to freak out the town. No spicy news has been happening lately, so it might be a ploy to get ratings. Sitting down on your couch in exhaustion, you opened your Twitter account and flicked through, every second post was of this so called sighting.

It was an interesting concept. The idea of someone dressing up and standing in the dark forest humoured you. The things people do for likes, you thought.

You switched on the TV to see if this news was spread to a bigger company, and to your surprise, it was. Almost every news channel you flipped to had something to do with the leaked pictures of this unknown being. Some professionals stating how it's an animal, some say it's human, there was also a full fledged debate going on about the matter. It was very unusual.

After you had eaten your fill, had a shower and scrolled through the mass amount of posts, you decided it was best you went to bed. Looking out the window of your apartment, you saw a massive crowd of people around the entrance of your forest. You didn't think you would be able to sleep with the amount of noise they created, but luckily your dreams tucked you away.

Sorry it's so short, I'll try to make it longer in the next chapter <3

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