"I.." the heart monitor began to go off, followed by a pain in his chest, but he couldn't let that stop him, he was so close to saying the words!

"Hank, please, calm down. I don't want to lose you." That one sentence kept Hank going for a minute longer as he took his free hand, shaking and wrinkled, and placed it against Connor's cheek. His vision began to blur.

"I love you."

There it was, the words were finally out and he felt so much lighter. He was finally able to shut his eyes, his hand falling from the android's cheek and the other loosening from his grip.

The heart monitor was now showing a flat line, a noise echoing and stabbing at Connor's ears.

"Hank! No, no, please-"Connor cried against his best friend's chest. "Why did you wait so long.. to tell me.."

"That's why I stayed with you all these years, Hank.. I stayed because I love you.."

His stress levels began to rise, his own android heart pounding in his chest. He didn't want to be without the man he loved. He leaned forward and planted a long, tear stained kiss against the old man's forehead. When he couldn't take it any more he managed to release the hold on Hank's lifeless body.

He went to the gun cabinet in the office, broke the glass, and took the pistol from its designated place.

"I won't live without him.."

The trigger was pulled, a loud noise like thunder, that caused fifty six year old Hank to wake up from that horrific nightmare. He sat upright in his bed, body drenched in sweat.

He couldn't stay in his dark room any longer after that. He tried to get the images out of his brain as he walked into the kitchen to make his morning coffee.

He stopped at the entrance when the smell of bacon filled his senses, along with the smell of coffee.

"Good morning, Hank."

It'd been three years since Connor moved in. He still wasn't used to him making breakfast. It felt almost too domestic.

"Uh, morning.." Hank said gruffly. He sat down at the table and was greeted with a hot plate of food in front of him and a cup of coffee. Connor sat down at the table with a smile.

"You know, Connor, you don't have to do this." Hank is pretty sure he's explained this before. Connor just shook his head.

"It's the least I can do since you're still letting me stay here. As you know the government is still trying to get the bill passed for androids to own property." Connor explained, watching attentively as Hank began to eat.

"Besides.. I like cooking for you." The android said with a suggestive tone, winking at his partner. Hank's faced heated up instantly. He rolled his eyes at him.

"Yeah, I bet you do." They both let out a chuckle after that. Hank didn't know when it started. One day they just began teasing each other, borderline flirting. Didn't help much with Hank's feelings.

It did, however, let Hank forget that nightmare for a moment.

"Do you want to go out later?" Hank asked, not really looking up at the brunette, but he could feel the smirk he was giving him. In the three years of Connor being deviant, he'd gotten a lot better at facial expressions.

"Are you asking me out on a date, Lieutenant Anderson?"


"Oh yeah," Hank started with a scoff, setting his fork down on his empty plate, "I'm definitely trying to woo you, pretty boy." Hank got up and placed his dishes in the sink. He turned and looked at the handsome android, back against the counter. Connor was biting his lip, just thinking. The sight made Hank blush again.

Forever His (Connor x Hank)Where stories live. Discover now