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zach's point of view

so here i am, hanging out with jack avery for the third time since the skate park. our friendship has been growing fast. just as fast as my feelings for him. i wish that i had daniel to vent to but he's hardly ever around. he's either at basketball practice or 'busy'. he never tells me what he's doing anymore which kind of saddens me because i miss him.. he, just like jonah, have been very MIA lately and i feel like my friends are slowly disappearing one by one.. even though jack has been around, he's normally hanging out with gabbie. which i'm kind of jealous about but i always shake the feeling off. "hey bud. wanna play some video games?" i look up to see michael stevens. he's my ex boyfriend but we're still friends so it's cool. "sure! i'm actually feeling quite lonely today.. all my friends but you are busy." i reply, causing him to frown. "what about daniel?" "he's been busy a lot lately and we haven't had time to hang out.." i look down. he places his hand on my shoulder. " his loss." he smiles. i roll my eyes playfully. "so, your place at six?" i ask him. he nods. "don't be late!" he says walking away, causing me to laugh. i begin to walk home as it starts to rain. i groan wishing that i was in daniel's car waiting for basketball practice to be over. "want some company?" i flicker my gaze to the left of me, seeing jack. "yeah, sure." i smile as we walk. "what are you doing walking in the rain? don't you normally ride with daniel?" i sigh and nod. "he hasn't been able to take me places because he's been busy after school.." i look down. "do you at least know why?" "nope. you know, considering that i'm his best friend, i figured that he'd tell me but i guess this is far too important for me to know.." i mumble the last part. "hey, maybe it's something he's scared to talk about it." jack lifts my face up, causing me to smile. "you're probably right.. thanks jack." i begin to make my way to the steps of my house. "you're welcome. catch you later." jack waves at me as he walks away. i make my way inside and sneak upstairs to my room and begin getting in my lounging clothes, run a brush through my hair, and make my way downstairs and out the door, heading to michael's house.

jonah's point of view

"it's driving me crazy. i can't keep lying to him, he's my best friend." daniel says to me as we're cuddling. "invite him over tomorrow. but only he knows. no one else. not corbyn, not christina, not gabbie, and not makena." "what about tate?" "she knows dani." "oh, okay." he smiles. i smile back and lean down to peck his lips. he pecks back with a huge grin plastered on his face. "tomorrow is an important day for both of us." i tell him. "what do you mean?" he asks, confused. "you'll see."

Too Blind To See || Jachary AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang