Chapter 22- Love Hello, hate Goodbyes.

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*****Alright so people actually seem to like this book, so maybe I'll find a way to continue it. I don't know yet. We'll see how this chapter does. Alright and on to the story*****
This is just a bonus of the wedding day. Maybe I will do a bonus of Philip being adopted and growing up. I don't know, comment below*****

A cycle of Love, Thorns, and Heartbreak, that would change me, break me, and build me up again.

Love, Thorns, and Heartbreak and repeat.

The beautiful cycle of life. 



Thomas and Alex ended up getting married and having 2 kids. But,  Alex invited me and that surprised me. 

"Here." Alexnder shoves a beautiful white, light magenta, and a mint green card into my hands. 
"I'm invited?" Alexander still hadn't fully forgiven me, but we were getting somewhere. 
"Only if you want to come. You are my best friend." I smile, looking down at the card. He hadn't called me his best friend in a while. 
"Of course I'm coming!! I can't miss my best friends wedding!" I sling my arm around his shoulders and he smiles. 
"Alright!!" He returns the favor and slings his arm over my shoulders. We walk smiling and laughing before we caught up with our other friends. 

"Heya!" Herc rushes over and joins the party. 
"Bonjour les amis. Avez-vous rattrapé?" ( Hello friends. Did you make up?)
 "Yes, Laf we did."
" Yes, we did. We're buddies now oh and YOU ARE ALL INVITED TO THE WEDDING!" Alex shouts out causing us all to cheer.

Yeah, we ended up going to a bar. Nothing new.

"IM GETTING MARRIED IN A MONTH!"  We only had like 5 beers and Alex was drunk.  Laf and Herc were typical. Drunk on tequila. They did like 15 shots and they were drunk as f***. I on the other hand only had 2 beers and 1 shot of tequila. I don't wanna deal with a hangover tomorrow. 

"LaFfY TAfFy WHerE ArE yOu, My LOvE?" 
"IM HeRe HerC mY LoVE!" 

THey run and start to cry into a hug. I can't help but laugh an facepalm. They were standing by each other and had to call each other names to find each other. 

They basically thought each other left. 
You can see why I would laugh and facepalm right? 

Well anyways, after Herc and Laf ''found each other" they ran out holding hands and shouting "We are the champions". Alexnder was singing karaoke to "Marry Me" By Thomas Rhett. SOme country song. Not the best for him to sing though. 

I'm assuming that he realized what the song meant and he started to break down. 

"She wants to get married, and the dude wants to marry her, but she doesn't love him like that, now the dude is so sad, he must be so sad. He will never marry the love of his life." He cried into my shoulder. 

"Alex, buddy, that 'dude' is happily married in real life. It's just a song." 
"I KNOW! But the song is sad!" 
I was cut off by Alex kicking me in my shins. 
"Its. A. Sad. Song. That dude must be so sad!" He cried out once again. 

"Shh, Your fine Alex. Yes that is such a sad song I understand your pain now." I couldn't have been more sarcastic. 

"FINALLY!" Then he got back up on the stage and started to sing "Battle Scars" Which of course made him cry again. 

Eventually, after singing 3 other songs he fell asleep, so I hailed a cab and brought him home for Thomas to deal with. 


"Shhhhhh, Pip is asleep. Finally. " Right. They adopted a kid. He was like 2. 

"Oh sorry. Your fiance got drunk. He sang 5 songs and cried every time so he should be out for the night." 
"Ugh. ALlLLEexXX!" He groaned out before he took him from me with a smile on his face. 
"Bye then." I left. Thomas was a lucky man. 

If only I could have been that lucky man. 


 "Oh sorry. Your fiance got drunk. He sang 5 songs and cried every time so he should be out for the night." 
"Ugh. ALlLLEexXX!" Why did he have to get drunk? He looked extremely cute when he is asleep though. I smiled at my handsome and adorable fiance. I took him from Thomas and held him bridal style. 

"Bye then." John Left. 

I swear I am the luckiest man on Earth. 

*Time skip- Wedding day* 

Looking into the mirror I straighten my tie. 

"James... am I ready for this?" 
"How am I supposed to know?" 
I laugh a bit. 
"Because your my best man and your the best friend I've had for my whole life." 
"Now you make it sound like I'm supposed to know." He jokes.  "Well, I think you're ready." 


"I'm so nervous." 
"Chill Alex." 
"Okay, I'm chill." 

We've been doing this for 10 minutes now. I'll start to freak out and say I'm nervous, Herc will tell me to chill and then I'll feel okay again. 

"I'm so friggin nervous Herc! LAF is my suit okay?" 
"Why wouldn't you ask Herc that? He designed the thing."  
"Herc is my suit okay?" 
"Alex it looks fine. You really gotta relax. " 
"I'm trying!" I said pulling at my hair, that was set in a messy bun with flowers.  
"Mon ami, stop pulling t your hair, your going to mess it up!" Laf rushes over and checks over my hair again. 

"Breathe Alex. Now let me play my Mario Kart 8!" John shouts from the couch. 

Okay. Okay. Okay. 

"I'm good." 

10 minutes before the wedding. Alright. I can live for 10 minutes. 


At the wedding. 

Alex walks in and I stopped breathing. 

I find myself staring and my mouth hanging open.

Once he is standing next to me I smile a wide smile. 

"You are so beautiful," I whisper to him. 
"I could say the same to you." I hold his hands and stare into his eyes. 

Everything is blurred out.  I only listen when I hear- 

"Thomas, your vows." 

"Alex, there isn't enough paper in the world to describe how amazing and wonderful you are. In a few terms, you are the love of my life, my angel, my savior, my blessing, an incredibly smart man, the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on and last but not least,  my life's purpose. I spent my life looking for my soulmate, and you were there all along. If I only I could redo the past. I would have met you sooner. But in a way, I would never redo the past because the way we are, we are the greatest love story. I will never leave that or you. I will protect you from everything bad in this world. I love you." 

I didn't realize until Alex put his hand to my face that I was crying.
"I love you too Hun." 

"Alexander, your vows." He removed his hand from my face. 

"Thomas, for the first time in my life, I didn't know what to say.-" I laugh a little. 
"-I sat on a bench for an hour before a thought came to mind. How did I get to where I am? I asked myself that and instantly an answer popped into my head. You. You are why I'm here, why I'm alive, why I'm happy and why I am always speechless. Every time you walk into the room I forget all that I've learned and I forget how to speak. No words can describe how beautiful and amazing you are. So, I created a word to describe it. Thomas. Thomas- It means someone who is so beautiful, intelligent and amazing that no other words describe it. This word, you, it will be written down in all the dictionaries I ever own. It will easily become the best word in that book. Nothing will ever make me leave. Nothing will ever make me forget you. Nothing can change the love I have for you."  

He was crying along with me. 

"You always know what to say." I choke out. 
"It took me a month to write that hun. What an effect you have on me." I laugh lightly and he joins in. 

"Do you Thomas Jefferson promise to have Alexander Hamilton to love and to hold and be with him through sickness and health, poor and wealth? (hehe that rhymed!)" 
"I definitely do." 

"Do you Alexander Hamilton, take Thomas Jefferson to love and to hold and be with him through sickness and health, poor and wealth?" 

"I absolutely do." 

"Then b the power invested in me by the author I now pronounce you Husband and Man. You may kiss the groom." 

I wrap my hand behind Alex's back and lean in. I feel his hands snake behind my neck and pull me in.  

The kiss was amazing. I saw my memories with Alex flash in my mind they all faded to color the moment we found out we were soulmates. That place in the cafe on east side. 

When we pulled away my world was so full of color it could explode. With smiles on our faces, we walked down the aisle hand in hand. 

Nothing could bring me down. 

I'm on top of the world. 

A/N WELELELELLELELELLELELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl that's the end folks! I want to thank you all so much for reading, over 700 reads???!!! I'm on top of the world(hehe, get the reference?^^) 
Anyway, I'm writing a new book, one will be a Hamilton ships book. Comment below what ship ya wanna see. I'm also writing a different book. It's not Hamilton related. Its a story told in the form of poems. That or it will be a book of just random poems, either way, comment random words, or feelings and Imma try o write a poem from it anyway once again thank you all for reading. I loves you all and 

(Word count- 1666 Devils number! Alright bye now) 


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