Chapter 18- Perfect Day

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 This is what I listened to while writing this chapter so enjoy 

 I rush to the bathroom and do my normal morning routine.

When I come back Thoams is no longer in the dorm, and neither are any of my friends.

Where did they go?   



Today's the day. I don't know if you noticed but Alex and I still haven't kissed yet. The world is still black and white and a mix of greys. 

While Alex was doing his morning routine, made sure the squad was all up and ready and shoved them out the door. We had a lot of work to do. We had to get it all set up in the time it took for Alex to look for us. I had it all planned out. 

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Herc says whiles playing with Lafayette's hair...

"Well, I'm going to go to the cafe on the east side, where we found out we were soulmates, and set up a nice lunch for him and then, to the park walk around for a little bit, then make our way to the pond where we usually sit and talk, and set up flowers. Then knowing Alex he'll climb a tree, then afterward, I'll take him on a date and when we get back it'll be dark, so we'll head up to the roof and the bing boom bam color!" 

"Wow.Okay.That's a lot." 

"No, the flowers are already ordered and set to go to the pond, the dinner reservation is already set, all we really have to do is decorate the roof and set up the table at the cafe on east side. and decorate the stairs to the roof." 

"Well, that's easy!" Laf says in the most sarcastic tone. 

"Look, I'll set up the cafe, and the roof, you guys find a way to decorate the staircase. And this is where I'm trusting you, you guys decorate it however you want. Please make it good." 

Herc swings his arm over Laf shoulders and pipes up. 
"Don't worry Man, we got you! It'll be good, it's for Alex!" 
"Yeah mon ami, trust us. We know Alex, we'll make it funny and sweet at the same time." 

"Thank you guys so much. I'll pay for lunch too." 
"ALRIGHT! Let's get to work!" They run off to the dorms. 

Let's get to work. 


Laf and I head to our dorm and grab a lot of pictures us and him. We planned on having pictures of us and him and Thomas lining the staircase and, then put some streamers petals paper hearts, paper flowers. It was going to look great. 

HotPants- Text us pictures of you and Alex.
Macaroni- Okay?
HotPants- Trust us.
Macaroni- Okay. 

He sents like a hundred pictures! 
It'll do. 


I left the dorm and started texting Thomas like crazy. He has been gone for like 1 hour before I got up and started looking. 

LexiRexi- Where are you!? And everyone else?? 
Macaroni- Don't worry, trust me. I'm just running some errands with the squad. Don't worry just relax, and maybe dress up, I'm taking you on a date. 
LexiRexi- Mhm, okay. Bye Love you. 
Macaroni- Love you too.  

Okay, I'll relax. I watch some movies and then get ready at around 12. Then someone knocked on the door. 


Before I texted Alex to meet me at the cafe, I went and checked out the staircase. Laf and Herc stood there proud of their work. It was amazing. 

Pictures of Alex, His friends and I scattered the walls, petals were placed delicately on the stairs and streamers clung to the walls, where paper hearts and flowers also resided. It was beautiful, and m being the sappy person I am almost started to cry. 

"Guys, this looks amazing. Here." I handed them some money to go buy lunch. 
"Nah, we good. We just did this for you and Alex." 
"Guys!" I lunged forward and hugged them both at once. 

"Alright, I'll text ya when I get to the cafe okay?" 
"Okay, good luck!" 

The Kiss//////Jamilton soulmate ///Modern AU///Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin