Chapter 19- School Kids

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We ended up laying on the blanket and looking at the beautiful night sky. I found myself drifting off to sleep on Tommy's chest.

What a great end to a Perfect Day.   



*3 months later* 

Ya know when you feel so confused that you don't know what to do, and find yourself mindlessly staring in front of you?  

That is how I felt right now. 

I don't know what happened. 

This walk, this simple walk turned to disaster. 

I could see the bright blue, sunny sky above me, staring me down, telling me

"Fight! What about Alex? Fight back for him!" 

But I couldn't. 

I couldn't seem to fight back. I couldn't seem to just give up either though. 
I held on. I stayed strong and took it. But I never once fought back. As that sky told me to fight back, I could hear Alex saying 

"Hold on for me. You'll be okay. Don't fight, you will only make it worse." 

I laid there, throbbing head, swollen face, numbness flowing and coursing through me. 

That bright sunny sky slowly faded the screaming and yelling becoming fainter until it all left me. My senses unknowing what to do just gave up on me. The world around me was no longer what I knew. 

But deep inside, I already knew that. 
The atmosphere shifted. The numbness dawned on me even more as the beating became less painful, and sirens rang out. 

It was a simple need for fresh air, it was a simple walk, it was a simple "leave me alone." that led to my head being banged into the ground, against the wall, my body being smashed and crushed with the heavy weight of anger, resentment, and pure fury. 

The cloud around me burst with one voice. 

"T-T-Tommy? Tommy! TOMMY! THOMAS! Come on baby, please be okay. I love you..." He whimpered out. I heard him crying. The faintest, and most crushing sound. 

I managed to slip my hand to his cheek and get one good look at him and say a small 
"I love you." 

before I went limp and the world went black. 


He went on a walk. He went to get some fresh air. 
I wanted to come with, but he insisted I stay with the sick John on our dorm couch. 
I sat and read a book o the couch before I noticed that Thomas had been gone for half an hour and got worried. 

I got up and left to look for him. 

I heard yelling. A slur of insults. I heard a confident "Leave me alone." that I knew, before a scream and more insults. I sprinted over to where I heard the sound. As I looked I called the police and the ambulance. It took me a while to find the ally. 
But I finally found it. I was hurt, angry and a deep pit grew in me, and inside it, my heart had dropped. 

I saw my Thomas. 

MY Thomas. 

Laying on the ground bloodied and crying. Whimpering in pain. I yelled at the two men beating him up. I shoved one against the wall and threw him to the ground. I got punched by the other before kicking him and stepping on his arm and crushing him to the ground. 

I turned to my Thomas, my lip busted and bleeding and a black eye forming. 

" "T-T-Tommy? Tommy! TOMMY! THOMAS! Come on baby, please be okay. I love you..."
I felt a soft and calloused hand against my cheek. I softly smiled at my Tommy. 
He said a faint 'I love you' before he went limp. I started to cry even more. 

The sirens went quiet. My body went numb, the tears flowing nonstop. My mind like a raging storm that was quiet, but is still able to make your body shake. I couldn't control anything anymore. It was out of my hands. I couldn't save him. 

Someone came and pulled Thomas away from where I was laying by him. The Police took the two men who I saw as kids who went to our college. 

I was dragged up and walked to the same ambulance to get myself fixed up. I continued to cry. 

"You have to help him! I don't care about me, I'm fine, I'm still conscious take care of him! HELP MY SOULMATE!" I yelled out. 

I shoved my face in my hands and sobbed. 

*Time skip* 

He was pulled from my sight as he was taken to a different room to get bandaged and patched up and put on medicines. 

I couldn't stop squirming and begging to see him. 

The world was quiet. In that busy hospital, there is only one sound that everyone hates. One sound that everyone anywhere hates. 

But there is only one thing worse than that; When that horrible sound comes from your soulmates room. 

My heart shattered, I collapsed. I saw blurred doctors rush into the room. The world slowly faded out and I passed out. 

I saw my beloved Thomas in a dream. 

Was that the last time I would see him?

The dang school kids have made me fall into a hole that would forever leave me scared. 

Stupid school kids. 

HHHHHHHHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY IM BACK! Yeah, hope yall enjoyed this cliffhanger! Thank you so much for all the reads. None of my stories have gotten this many, Thank you all so much and 

The Kiss//////Jamilton soulmate ///Modern AU///Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz