She smiled, "Thank you, this is all a mess."

"I'm Derek, by the way."

"Scout." They shook hands.

The sound of the television on and rustling in the background cause her to be on high alert. He was supposed to be home alone.

She turned her head and raised her eyebrows at him.

"Sorry, I was in the middle of eating dinner right now with a friend. Let me get you that phone."

He turned at walked towards the kitchen and out of the room.

Scout then started to work. She would have less than 30 seconds and every moment counted.

The pile of mail next the door looked promising so she pulled out her small camera and speedily took pictures of every paper. Then she took pictures of the entrance, hallway, stairs, and kitchen.

It wasn't until she heard footsteps coming towards her did she calm down and put away the camera.

"Morgan, was that the pizza-"

Reid stared wide eyed, looking at the girl across the hallway. It felt like a different world was colliding, the girl he stalked online and his reality.

It was only a few weeks since he last saw it but still, it felt different. He assumed it was because of all the information he now knew: her history, family, life. And there she was, Scout Wiley.

Her hair tucked into a beanie, brown and messy. But her clothes were as disheveled as they were at the bureau but what stood out the most was her bright pink nose and soaked sneakers from the snow.

"Uh-hello?" Reid stuttered.

Scout felt just as surprised, there wasn't supposed to be anyone home besides Morgan.


"I found the phone! I don't even know why I have a house phone anymore but I guess this might be the only reason for it," Morgan chimed into the room.

Scout smiled and grabbed it from him, "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I didn't know people from the bureau lived here."

Morgan looked at Reid, his red cheeks were evident. So this was the girl.

"I didn't know the FBI let couples work together on the same team, you know because of-"

"Woah, woah, woah. No, Reid and I are just friends. We're not together." Morgan quickly debunked.

Scout knew she was wrong, she just wanted to work him up a bit.

Morgan smiled, "So you're Scout? I've heard of your name."

"Most people have. It's also a noun."

Reid let out an soft chuckle underneath his breath, playing it off as a cough. Whatever tension there was in the air slowly faded.

"Mr. Reid-"


Scout roller her eyes but smiled, "Right, how could I forget? Doctor Reid, you better keep a close eye on your coffee the next time you see me because I won't be as nice as I was before."

"You told me to shut up."

"I know. That was me being nice."

It was now Spencer's turn to smile. Morgan looked between the both of the them before placing his attention back on Scout.

"So you work in the mail room?"

"Yeah, not really much of a choice." She groaned.

"Why's that?"

"Well, I've gone through all the training to become an agent but I'm not exactly top candidate material. And I lean more towards the sketch artist route and prefer working with victims in trauma. There isn't exactly a need for that now at the bureau."

Morgan glances at Reid quickly, his ears were still red and the gears in his head were turning. Something about this girl made such a genius turn into a dope.

And Morgan could tell, Scout was someone he could get along with.

"Well, I think I might be able to pull some string."

Scout stood dumbfounded, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Morgan." Reid looked cautiously.

"Now, it's not a for sure thing. But I might be able to get you an interview or something with Hotch, let him see if you're worth it. And maybe we could see where you might be able to fit in. Who knows, the office could need a change of scenery."

"We could just buy a plant." Reid stated.

But Scout ignored him. What Morgan offered was the best solution to all her problems. It was the perfect gateway and he didn't even know it. Morgan opened up a can of worms and Scout was determined to never close it.

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