Down Memory Lane PT. 3

Start from the beginning

Taehyung nodded slowly. "I understand, can I go to school now?"

Yohan stared down at the table and nodded his head 'yes'.

As Tae was standing up, Yohan reached over the table and grabbed onto his arm; stopping him. "Just promise me one more time that you don't have a crush on that boy."

Taehyung was silent for a few moments before he responded. "...I promise."

"Alright..." Yohan stood up and pulled Taehyung in for a hug. "Just remember that I love you, son, and that what I'm telling you is only me trying to help you."

"I know dad...I love you too.." He mumbled; his face squished into Yohan's chest. "...can you let me go now? I can barely breathe.."

Yohan gave Taehyung one last squeeze and let go of him. He lifted his hand up and ruffled Tae's hair. "You're free to go."

Tae gave him a half smile as he fixed his hair. Yohan stood there and watched as he then hurried out the front door; letting out a sigh when the door closed.

When things quieted down, Yohan sat down in his desk's chair and lifted the phone to his ear after dialing a number.

"Hey, you." A younger man's voice said on the other end of the line.

"Hi." Yohan said through a sigh.

"Oh, no. I heard that feeling OK?"

"Oh yeah...I'm fine.." Yohan says while spinning a pen around on the desk.

"Are you sure..? You don't sound fine."

"Really. I am."

"Hmmm, I don't believe're feeling stressed, aren't you?"

Yohan went quiet for a few moments before he replied, "...extremely."

"It's that bitch you call your wife, isn't it? She bossing you around again?"

Yohan let's out another heavy sigh. "As doesn't matter what I do for her, she's never happy."

"Aw, poor deserve better than that."

"I'm the one who brings in the money, yet I have to be the one to cook and clean too...I do everything a woman should be doing because she's too lazy and won't get off her ass."

"You do so much for her, isn't fair."

Yohan rubbed his face, feeling stressed. "I do. It seems you're the only one who understands that.."

"Of course I do. I see how much you struggle at work every single're a hardworking man, Yohan."

"You think so..?"

"No, I know so...and that's why I think you should stop by my house tonight." His voice turned softer as he continued. "It sounds like you need someone to do something for you for once.."

Yohan stopped spinning the pen and went quiet for a few moments. He looked around to make sure Jina wasn't around before he says in a quieter tone, " what?"

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