Chapter 5: "Oh princess, I won't leave your side ever again."

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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒩𝑜𝒾𝓇/𝒜𝒹𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓃

Chat noir stayed on the bench for a couple minutes after Marinette disappeared into the night. Enjoying the breeze of the night and the bright speechless stars. Throwing his right arm across the back of the bench. With his claws, he trailed the wooden planks, liking the sound his claws made as they craved the wood.

Everything was peaceful and quiet till he was startled by a scream from a very familiar voice. "Luka!" The voice yelled desperately but the owner of the voice was nowhere to be seen. He figured his sensitive hearing picked up the yelling from far away.

He did see a defeated, gloomy figure lurking in the dark. Silently, this person disappeared walking slowly to the left side of the bakery until he no longer could be spotted.

A couple of seconds after he heard the voice yell again. Chat stood up quickly at the distress of the voice, with help of his defined night vision he recognized Marinette. Tears streamed down her face, she looked helpless and distraught. Before he could even move, she bolted running right yelling this name again.

Without a second thought he ran towards towards the bakery and climbed it effortlessly. Chasing her running silhouette through the roof of the townhouses and departments.

Yet he lost her.

"Shit." He looked all around but he couldn't see her but he could still hear her voice so he decided to follow it.

It felt like forever, the adrenaline and desperation slowly eating him. But he kept chasing her voice, eager to find her and know she was safe and alright. The panic increase when her voice died down, the grey clouds finally poured down harshly, the wind howling forcefully and the thunderclaps roared through the city but he was not going to give up until he found her.


The purple, pink and orange sunrise slowly peaked behind the buildings, the sun was not out yet, only this vivid colors. Desperation couldn't even describe Chat's state. Is been all night searching with no clues or sign whatsoever.


"Marinette!" He exclaimed but quickly frowned when he saw a middle age overweight guy carrying a very unconscious Marinette over his sweating looking shoulder towards a white van. Which had the back doors open.

"Hey!" He barked angrily, leaping on front of the guy who's face stayed unsurprised. "The fuck are you doing?! Let her go right now!" He yelled pointing his baton at his neck.

The guy did not flinch or move, his face remained the same. "What are you gonna do? Hit me with this stick? Look man, I'm late. This girl looks like she'll be worth a lot. Stay out of my way and no one will get hurt."

For a second he was shocked.

He was going to sell her?

What if I had never followed her?

The possibilities made the blood boil more than it already were. Without further explanation, Chat quickly used his baton to hit the side of the guy.  He groaned but didn't let go of Marinette. Instead he pulled out a gun and shoved on Chat's forehead

He froze.

"What did I say?" The guy said angrily. 

"No one would get hurt but I can't promise that." Chat said then yanked the gun from his hands and pointed at him instead. "Let go of her right now."

"Woah woah okay." He slowly bent down and slumped Marinette's body on the wet street. "Calm down man."

"Shut up!" Chat yelled, "now get in your fucking car and disappeared or I will do that to you."

The guy scrambled but Chat followed his movement until he was out of sight.

"Fúcking pervert." He mumbled, and used his cataclysm on the gun that fell onto dust.

"Oh princess," he bent down and collected Marinette limp body into his arms. "I won't leave your side ever again."

(Word count: 663)

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