Chapter One: The End or the Beginning...

Start from the beginning

She was slim and had long blonde hair that fell into neat curls over her shoulders. She looked like she had overdosed on makeup and was very overdressed for the morning.

"Good morning!" She said. "Please, come in!" And she stepped aside.

We walked inside in that same awkward line again. "Thank you," Said my mother kindly. I just rolled my eyes and turned away.

Now that I got a look at there house it was... beautiful! I could tell my parents felt the same way by the happy expressions on there faces.

Their house seemed to follow a very old style floral theme that fit nicely with the wall color. Everything was already unpacked and the boxes were thrown off into one corner.

A soft cry came from the kitchen but I immediately recognized that cry anywhere. They had a baby...

"Lina hun, why don't you show this boy around while we make breakfast," Said someone in the kitchen.

I looked at my parents hoping for them to save me but they just smiled and headed into the kitchen, fantastic!

"So your name is Oliver, right?" She asked. I wasn't really sure if I was comfortable sharing my name but she had already said so I was honest.

"That's correct."

"Well then," She said eyeing me from my face down. "Follow me."

So I did... the tour started out like any normal tour but as it progressed I began to realize how annoying this girl was.

Then we got to the part I had been dreading... her room. The walls were completely pink covered with posters of the most girlish bands you could possibly think of. As I looked around the room my eyes fell onto a photo that I just couldn't look away from.

I picked it up and brought it closer to my face. It was her and her parents but she seemed so happy. She had no makeup in this photo and everything about her seemed to shine. Lina still had that annoying curly hair but it seemed more alive and it was a dark brown instead of blonde. I liked this photo...

"So Oliver... is there anything you like to do for fun?" She said getting dangerously close to me now .

"That um... depends on your idea of fun I guess?" I put the frame back on the table. She was very close now are faces about five inches from each other.

"Guys! Come downstairs!" I took this opportunity to make a run for it. I wanted to praise whoever just saved me from whatever that was. It's like that girls never heard of personal space before.

Breakfast was super awkward... at least for me and her. Our parents talked happily oblivious to the thick atmosphere.

Luckily I had something to keep me distracted. When I set down the photo I had grabbed a pen that was behind it and slipped it into my pocket. It seemed of good quality and it could produce some pretty clean lines. So drifting off into my own world I began doodling on my hand.

But the atmosphere seemed to become thicker... that's when I realized it wasn't the atmosphere. The air seemed to become thicker making it hard to breath. Out of nowhere Lina's mom let out a cry of pain as I giant bubble that would normally appear when burned appeared on her arm.

"I think, it's something in the air!" I said holding my breath.

Lina seemed to catch on as she did the same. She mouthed to me, Do you know ASL?

I actually did because my best friend, my only friend is deaf and it was our only form of communication. I nodded.

She looked me in the eye and signed very quickly and sloppily, when we first moved in we decided to spray paint the walls because my mom wanted our house a certain theme. We kept the gas masks! They're in the upstairs bathroom but there's only three.

It didn't matter if there was only three... at least we could save some people. I immediately dashed upstairs and began looking threw the bathroom cabinets. Lina rushed in behind me and opened a very sketchy looking drawer. She handed me a mask and put one on herself.

"You can breath now," she said. "The wholes in the mask filter the air."

"Thanks but we have one more!" I said holding it up.

Who were we going to save!? It was like something out of a comic or a horror movie.

"Let's go see..." she said and began running downstairs. I followed closely behind her. My parents lay on the floor burned from head to toe and so did her parents. That left us one option. We both nodded and she grabbed the baby so I could gently slip the mask onto its face just so it could have clean air.

"Hopefully it only burns you when you breath it!" She said holding the baby tightly.

I looked down at my parents, weak and on the ground. Tears began to crowd my eyes but I wiped them away.

"There's somewhere we need to go..." I said looking up at her. If there's one person I would want to survive this it would be Davy, my best friend.


Hopefully this chapter wasn't to cheesy! I didn't really know how to start a book that is going to be about a zombie apocalypse so bear with me.

The story will get better I promise you it gets interesting after this chapter. If you guys paid attention to detail you should know that Davy is deaf... I thought it would make the story more interesting to have some challenging characters.

I can't say when the next chapter will be out but let's hope it's sometime this week!

Until then stay well and I can't wait to begin the next chapter!

- Astral Plane_

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