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Yippee! You get to read this and be annoyed at me for making this the first chapter but it has to be done. So without further ado, here we go!

First things first, the reason I am writing this is for readers that enjoy descriptive, realistic writing. I have tried to read so many of these that are just complete crap because there is no substance, plot, or characterization to them what so ever. So I really hope you like this and think that it has something to it!

Ok, so none of the pictures or art belongs to me, I use google so it all belongs to rightful owners and that crap. These are my original works however and belong to me! So no copyrighting, please, seriously, just don't. These are all just one-shots but I may actually turn them into books if people actually ask, or actually read my stuff which no one has so far so very unlikely for that to happen. 

Another thing, I write for fun and though I usually try to stay on schedule and update at least somewhat regularly but I'm not absolutely horrible at it, so I'll try to update every Monday night if not sooner than that. 

Last thing! I promise, so I do take suggestions, I happily take them, I love them, I run out of ideas easily, unfortunately, so please, if you enjoy my writing style suggest things to me, I will happily take them and tag you for that chapter. I also happily appreciate good writings so I will read your stuff if you want me to. Also, right under this, I will be placing a list of all the chapters with their names and the creatures they feature.

Now, let us begin!

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