Between the Sheets (Monster Under the Bed x Reader) Part 1(?)

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(Demon/Monster Under the Bed x Reader)

(Hey guys! So I've been wanting to do this one for ever and finally figured out how I want to do it, so here we go!)

"You can't seriously still sleep with a nightlight, can you?" questions Amelia, pointing at the little glass star nightlight positioned directly beside your bed plugged into the wall and on awkward, prominent display.

"No, I never turn it on, it's just there as sentimental value." You lie quickly, scoffing as if it is the most ridiculous idea in the world to still sleep with a nightlight. But you can't help it, the darkness scares you. It always had, ever since you were little and scared of boogie man or the monster under your bed. You know it is ridiculous, there is nothing to be scared of, but you always feel like something is watching you from that dark space beneath your bed with its fluffy white comforter and light purple fluffy blanket that matches the purple back rest and baby blue pillow so well.

"Good, caz that would make my bestie a baby, and I don't wanna make fun of her for something so stupid." The girl teases as she flops back, disrupting the ordered state of your blankets. It is very unusual for your blankets to be ordered or in anything but a bundle in the middle of your bed, but of course, your mother insisted that with company you must clean.

"Right, caz you don't make fun of me plenty already." You tease back, plopping down beside her and causing one of the pillows to fall onto your shoulder in way of protest. Grinning back at you, your best friend mocks a gasp of astonishment.

"As if I would ever do such a thing to my best friend in the whole world."

"Riiighhttt." You exaggerate back, throwing the fallen pillow at her head to emphasize the point as she only giggles in response.

"And if I do, it is entirely justified." She exclaims, chucking it at full force straight back at your nose and causing an oof to escape your mouth. 

Collecting the pillow before it can do any more injury and cuddling it to your chest tightly for safe keeping, you grin back at her. This is a bestfriend relationship after all, and who are best friends if they don't make fun of each other constantly?

"Now that we have clarified that we are absolutely terrible to each other, let's try and get started on homework, which is why you are HERE if I may remind you." You annunciate to your friend, it is a very necessary clarification because you know that the two of you could easily just lay there for hours and get nothing done. Of course, that will most likely happen anyway, but you need to at least attempt and get focused.

"Fiiiiiinnnneee." She groans, opening her bag to grab the laptop she had brought with her. "I'll help you with Spanish if you help me with Math." She grumbles, yanking open her computer in disgust and tapping at the space bar repeatedly in an attempt to make it load faster.

Groaning in disgust at the word of Spanish, you despise the subject and had always been terrible at it(if not, suck it up you do now), you slap open your own computer and tap the screen to try and make it come awake as soon as possible.

After nearly two hours of trying to make your brains focus, the pair of you lay on the bed completely ignoring each other and playing games on your phones, a typical night in your friendship. While homework had been the premise of her coming to spend the night, it was really just an excuse to be lazy and not be nagged by your mother who would be less likely to do so with your friend there.

Turning over and flopping an arm lazily onto your back Amelia lets out a huff of annoyance and boredom. "Can we like, do something?" She murmurs, powering off the device and making you glare at her for interruption of tetris that had made you lose.

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