Red Sands(Pharaoh x Reader)

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(Pharaoh x Reader)

Akaib-nakht: Discovered in 1953, this mummy is thought to be a lost Pharaoh. Thought to be the reincarnation of the God of death Anubis, he was made Pharoah when his father, mother, and elder brother passed from an illness that swept the area in his time period killing hundreds. Inscriptions state that he never took a queen and his dynasty ended without an heir, leaving a wasteland where the city was found. Presumably, the city fell soon after his death.

Found in Southern Egypt.

No matter how many times you read the label you couldn't quite make sense of it. You had been working for the museum for the past few years and as an Egyptologist, the mummy was a mystery though it seemed the team that dug him up disagreed. 

He was a mystery for multiple reasons. Firstly, he was a pharaoh of a place that didn't exist. While Ancient Egypt was much more widely spread than people assumed by the Pyramids of Giza, this pharaoh's tomb was discovered far from any other signs of ancient civilization. The closest city or oasis was at least 20 miles away, a huge distance for the kind of construction that had to take place for a tomb like his. 

Secondly, the mention of Anubis. Not uncommon for tombs to mention Anubis or the other Gods and Goddesses they believed in, most pharaoh's being assumed to be reincarnations, but none were reincarnations of this particular God. He was the God of funeral rites, the traveler between the underworld and that of the living, but you suppose it was probably a misreading given how frequently he was mentioned on every pharaoh's tomb. 

Lastly, the tomb itself. Cracked to show the mummy inside, it was unusual for its coloring. Shaped with the head of a jackal, the tomb was black. Carved from presumably obsidian and laid with gold and hieroglyphs unfamiliar even to you. But taking a peek inside, the body wrapped in linens looked almost whole, not sunken and shriveled, but like it could rise from the tomb and open the lid of its sarcophagus to reek revenge on those who disturbed its tomb.

Shuddering a little at the thought, you turn away only to face your always creepy and despised boss who's bones would creak from age if she didn't oil them with her hatred for the exhibits.

"Mrs. Crowley, a pleasure to see you in the Egyptian exhibit." You say quickly, pack pedaling into the exhibit's description card to get away from the overpowering smell of her perfume. It was like she tried to embalm herself in the stuff, thinking it preserved her thinning beauty and unpleasant personality.

 "(y/n), lingering as always." She sniffs, glaring through black eyebrows as she lowers her eyes to the clipboard she is holding in claw like fingers. If you didn't know better, you would have thought she was the mummy she was so skin and bone. 

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Not wanting to draw out the conversation so you can breathe again once she leaves.

"Shockingly, there is." She scrunches her nose, probably never expecting to say those words and hating that she could. "Is this Akaib-nakht?" She asks, tapping the chest high plastic that kept people from getting too close and damaging the ancient exhibit with her pen.

"Yes, it is." You respond, moving so she could check the description and make sure you were correct. 

"Hmmm." The sound tells you nothing of why she needed to know and you felt a mild irritation at the criticism she held in her stare while looking at the preserved human. "As our only Egyptologist on this exhibit, they will need your help moving it."

You frowned, glancing between him and the nasty vulture-like woman. "Moving him where?" You ask, getting a little nervous about disrupting the sarcophagus further.

"Someone took an interest in the mystery mummy and decided they want a closer look. So, they bought him from out under our noses." She sniffs, a look of disgust crossing her face.

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