Between the Sheets (Monster Under the Bed x Reader) Part 2

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(Monster Under the Bed x Reader)

Your heart is the only thing you can hear as you stare at those yellow eyes. Its a monster, a terrifying creature that paralyzes you with just its predatory stare. You never had a sleep paralyses demon, or suffered sleep paralysis, but maybe this is what the total darkness does to you, it is the enemy. Is this what it feels like to be paralyzed with fear? Or is it just your imagination?

You stare at the eyes, watching them as they blink at you slowly, that sharp toothed smile widening slowly as it stretches to one side in a smirk that chills your blood. Watching as the creature turns and walks out of the room. You can hear bare feet slapping softly on the ground as it moves away. 

You try to sigh out in relief, but it is still stuck in your throat tightly closed with absolute terror. But it is gone, you are allowed to be relieved, to breathe, you just can't seem to manage it even though the thing is gone. 

Behind you, Amelia rolls over with a groan, hitting you with her elbow and knocking you from paralysis with a grunt of pain as it collided with your spine. Cold fear sweat still engulfing your body, you don't dare turn your back on that slightly open door, scooting away from it slightly until you run into Amelia's warm, dead asleep form.

You can feel her breath in your hair and while not the most pleasant of sensations, it does help you relax. She is real, that thing, whatever it was, had not been, it was just your fear of the dark manifesting into a terrifying, lethal monster.

In an attempt to make yourself fall asleep and not have the night terrors that you are certain will be on their way the moment you let your eyes close. You can't help but stare at that cracked door, eyes adjusting to the darkness that scared you more than anything, eyes trained on the opening to see if that thing comes back. But you hear nothing, not a floor board creaking, not your parent's snores, nothing but your own frantic heart.

Your frantic heart can't stay that way as it slowly steadies itself, making its way back to a more regular rhythm, no longer skipping around or trying to escape like your soul had done a long time ago. Slowly, carefully moving so as not to make a sound, you press one palm to your chest, feeling its beat so you know you are alive.

You try to convince yourself for the next several hours how it was just a dream, a hallucination, a physical representation of your fear of the dark, you hadn't spent a night in total darkness since you were 4, and you really didn't want to start doing it now. Amelia might think it was childish, but it was a legitimate fear and all that thing did was confirm it.

Around two in the mourning, when you finally start drifting off Amelia lets out a loud groan and sits up in the bed making your entire body go stiff as a board. What in the hell is this girl doing! Does she want to get killed! You think, calm heart speeding up again, this time unable to contain yourself you reach out and grab her wrist as she goes to climb off the bed. 

Letting out a screech at your sudden action, she slaps your arm with her other hand as she falls back on her ass on the bed, directly on top of your calf as you groan in response. "What the actual hell (y/n)! You scared the shit out of me!" She whisper screams in an attempt not to wake anyone else up in the process.

"Well you hurt me, yeesh." You say in return, yanking your leg from under her butt and letting go of her arm as you try not to scare yourself shitless. 

"You deserved it you asshole, God, what are you even doing?" She asks, pulling her arm from your grip ferociously in response.

"Trying to keep you from getting killed, I thought I saw something." You murmur, it was the truth, just not the entire truth.

Beneath Our DisguisesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora