Chapter two | Ally |

Start from the beginning

"I just hope he is okay," I say sincerely. "It has been so long since I last saw him and I just hope nothing bad has happened."

"I'm sure he is fine. He is a man now, not a child. He can fight back," Lydia says trying to comfort me.

"I think that be what I am worried about the most. If he has been fighting this whole time, imagine his condition. And what about Rose? She could be in the same position."

"Allison, you need to stop worrying, we are doing what we can," Lydia says giving me a hug.


"Damn, that tux looks so good on you," Lucas compliments.

"You don't look too bad yourselves," I say back looking at their matching tuxes.

"You really think I should wear this?" Enzo asks. "I feel like I am already out shining you. Just look at me," he jokes looking in the mirror at himself.

"I'm sure. Satine wants us in tuxes. So I'll go with what she wants."

"Cough. Whipped. Cough," Enzo says, beginning to laugh.

I ignore him and go check out. I pay for all three of our tuxes with money from my trust.

"You didn't have to pay for ours you know?" Lucas states.

"I'm not allowing you guys to spend any money. Dad wouldn't allow it. Plus its all in my trust and I've already spent a ton and it hasn't even dented it. That's the thing with having one son and no other family," I explain grabbing our tuxedos from the cashier.

"Rich boy problems," Enzo scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Hey you can't even talk," I point out and Enzo just shrugs like you right.

"Okay, so Deku now?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah, let's get the strawberry cakes too," I add. Deku is a famous cafe in my Dad assisted in starting up. It's my favorite coffee spot.

After getting the cakes and coffee, we sat outside. The cafe had a nice view of the Eiffel Tower and those comfy outside chairs with cushions. "Are you nervous about the wedding?" Enzo suddenly asks.

"Not really why?"

"It's just you haven't been dating Satine long and when I wrote you, you always told me about a girl named like Ally or something."

"Ally? I don't know any Allys," I answer confused.

"Are you sure it was Andreas?" Lucas asks.

"I'm sure. She came to stay with you and you guys became good friends. She was from America. You taught her how to shoot and took her to the Eiffel Tower," Enzo explains in detail.

"Why don't I remember any of that?" I ask. My head beginning to hurt. I close my eyes and furrow my brows in pain.

"Are you okay?" Lucas and Enzo ask, concerned.

"I don't know. Just thinking of that made my head begin to hurt."

"Maybe it's a suppressed memory," Enzo begins, "like when you experienced something bad that your brain can't remember."

"What could've happened to me?" I ask. My life has been picture perfect all this time. I don't understand why I would have suppressed memories."

"I don't know, but when we were younger I remember you being very timid clumsy. You always had bruises from your father's side. When we went on that hunt together you followed your father's instructions without fail. While I was making mistake after mistake. We were only 10, my dad said it was expected for us to make mistakes, but just to learn from them."

"Well that was an important training time for me. I had a reputation to uphold with our family name," I try to defend.

"I don't remember you being clumsy ever and I met you when we were 12," Lucas adds.

"Guys calm down. It was probably nothing. I probably made her up. We were only children who knows what I was thinking back then,"

"You are right, sorry man," Enzo apologizes.

"It's fine, we better meet Satine and my parents for dinner soon."


"Where do you guys want to go to eat?" I ask the others.

"Well we don't know any places since we have never been here before," Lydia says, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Duh, Allison get it together.

"Right... I remember this area being expensive, so we should walk a few blocks to get something cheaper." I tell them as we exit the hotel.

We walk probably around a mile when Lydia begins to complain about her feet. "My feet hurt guys, can't we just eat here?" Lydia asks pointing at the restaurant on our right. "If you didn't wear heels, we could actually explore Europe," Liam remarks. Lydia gives him a look and he shuts his mouth. The restaurant was named La Vie En Rose and had a small rose as a logo. "Is that okay with everyone? This place might be pretty expensive."

"Wow you are right this stuff is expensive," Kira adds looking down at the menu outside.

"I think we should just treat ourselves and experience this," Lydia states as she opens the door and goes in. Everyone just follows her lead and takes a seat at a table by the window. A waitress brings us a menu and I translate the different options to the rest to the others. Usually restaurants had some english, but for some reason this one didn't. I noticed Scott looking around at all the other people in the place. He probably felt uncomfortable. Everyone was wearing dress clothes and had fancy accessories. It was like everyone was staring at us, but I chose to ignore it. "Allison, look over there," Stiles says pointing to a table that was secluded from the rest. "Oh my god." I whisper looking over at the table. There he sat.

He looked the different. He looked happy. There were no dark circles under his eyes like there used to be. He had stubble growing into his face that made him look older. He sat with Lucas, who also seemed to glow with happiness. There was another guy sitting next to Andreas, who had dark features and beautiful. Satine sat across from Andreas, her eyes shining as she looked at him and said something. Marius, Andreas' father sat next to Satine and smiling down at her. It was strange to see them like this. I remember Andreas as hating his father. The father that abused him for half of his life.

"Is that him?" Kira whisphered.

"That was easier than I thought," Stiles said mostly to himself.

Andreas suddenly locks eyes with me. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He grabs at his head as if he had been struck by sudden pain behind his eye.

All of the sudden, Andreas passes out. His body slumping into the man I didn't know. The others around him behind to panic and all I could do was sit there. My legs wouldn't move at all towards him. I was scared. He literally passed out because of me. I just watch, shell-shocked, as Marius stands over Andreas taking him out of the boy's arms. The boy looked confused and he looked around for a reason for Andreas fainting. He glanced over the room, calculating, he had to be a hunter too. He seemed to notice our table and looked back and forth between us and Andreas. I swear I could see a hint of recognition in his eyes as he silently questioned, "Ally?"


Sorry it's been a minute guys! There is just a lot going on lately.
Anyway hope you liked it. -Maggie

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