benji's biological family q&a

Start from the beginning

• How is Benji adjusting to meeting his biological family?
"He is adjusting very well!" Will says with a big smile.

"Benji is a very resilient, brave and smart kid!" RJ says as he fixes his shirt.

"He can talk to anybody with ease and he loves meeting new people. He is a social butterfly! So when we met with his family members he didn't have an issue! He loves talking to them and leaning about everybody!" Will says with a grin.

• Does Benji's family treat Coralei, Theodore and Harlow differently since they aren't biologically related?
"No, they don't! They actually spoil Coralei, Theodore and Harlow just like they do Benji! They spoil all of the kids rotten!" RJ says happily.

"They love having little ones to spoil. Most of Benji's cousins are ten years old and older, so they aren't little kids anymore. So Benji's family loves having Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow to spoil rotten!" Will says as RJ giggles.

"Coralei and Theodore love the extra love and presents! Harlow is too little to understand that now obviously. She just loves to eat, sleep and cuddle." RJ says and Will smile.

• Are your parents jealous about Benji's biological grandparents living closer then they do?
"This is a good question! So many people have asked this question actually!" RJ says as he wraps his arm around Will and rubs his back.

"My mom and stepdad aren't jealous at all. They are both really happy that Benji is bonding with his family." Will says as he fixes his glasses.

"My mom and dad aren't jealous either! My parents say the same thing Will's mom and stepdad say. They are happy Benji is finding peace with his biological family and they are happy that Benji gets to meet with all of them. A lot of adopted kids struggle with identity and Benji hasn't which is great." RJ says.

"Benji's biological grandma Delores is Facebook friends with both of our moms. They all bond over Benji and send pictures to each other." Will says as he smiles at Harlow who is in her swing.

"They all love Benji so much and the more grandparents the better, right?" RJ says as Harlow coos again.

"She is getting a little fussy, so hopefully she doesn't cry." Will says as he crosses his fingers.

*A few seconds later*

"We have a special guest who wants to join us during this Q&A! Harlow was getting fussy." Will says as he kisses Harlow's cheek.

"Her hair is crazy! It always sticks up like this!" RJ says as he giggles.

• Does Coralei understand Benji is adopted?
"We never told her! But she hears the word adopted often but she's never asked Will or I what it means." RJ says.

"And even if we told her, I don't think she would understand what that means right now." Will says as he holds Harlow, rocking her.

"Coralei is only three years old, so we don't wanna tell her things she doesn't understand just yet. To her, Benji is just her big brother and she loves him to much!" RJ says.

• Does Benji have a desire to meet his father's side of the family?
"No, he doesn't." RJ and Will say in unison.

"Benji has no interest in meeting with his biological dad's side of the family. I don't think they really interacted with Benji honestly when Benji was around them. Plus, Benji didn't have the best relationship with his father anyway." RJ says.

"Let's just say they aren't the greatest people on the planet. They never once tried to see Benji or contact him. Benji is almost seven years old. They haven't seen him since Benji was five months old because Benji's parents moved away. They didn't wanna fight for custody when Benji was going to be put into foster care. And they never asked for updates on him. Benji's social worker Carrie sent them many updates about him and they always sent the update back. But that's okay, Benji doesn't need family that wants to act like that." Will says as he rubs Harlow's back.

"Maybe they will see this video and be mad about what we are saying, but oh well. We can't make everybody happy. Actions speak louder then words and their actions spoke a lot about how they care about Benji." RJ says as he kisses Harlow's cheek.

• Are you guys going to show us what Benji's mom looks like?
"We may! We may not. So please don't push us to do it. We still haven't decided honestly. We may ask her parents first if we do decide to show her face and show all of you. Benji loves looking at pictures and videos of her. But you guys know her name, her parents have said it on our vlogs." Will says as he holds RJ's hand.

"We just don't want judgement and rude comments about Benji's mom. She doesn't deserve that at all. Her family watches our videos and we just don't want anything negative said about her by people online." RJ says as Will nods in agreement.

• How many of Benji's biological family members have you met?
"Benji has a great grandma and her name is Luciana. She is the coolest lady ever! Coolest lady! She is Benji's grandma's mom! Her cooking is really good too!" RJ says as he holds Harlow.

"Harlow wanted some Papi cuddles!" RJ says making Will smile happily.

"Benji has an abuela and abuelo! If you don't know what abuela and abuelo means, it means grandma and grandpa in Spanish. Their names are Delores and Jorge! They are the sweetest people ever! They have been through a lot and I'm so glad Benji has them." Will says as he takes Harlow's headband off.

"Benji has an uncle named Luis and an aunt named Anthonette. Luis is actually Benji's mom's twin! That is really special for Benji I think." RJ says as Harlow coos.

"Luis and Anthonette have three daughters, Amanda, Miranda and Gabriella. Amanda and Miranda are in their twenties and Gabriella just turned fifteen. You guys saw her quincinera in the vlog a few weeks back! But Benji is one of the youngest kids on that side of the family." Will says happily.

"He has a lot of cousins too! Too many to list! But everybody is so kind and generous! A very loving Hispanic family that's for sure!" RJ says as Will smiles.

"Well, that's all the questions we are going to answer today! I think the kids are getting hungry and they LOVE tacos!" Will says as he kisses RJ cheek and RJ giggles.

"We love you guys and we will see you next time! Say bye bye, Harlow!" RJ says as he waves Harlow's little hand making Will chuckle.

"Bye guys, see you next time!" Will says as he and RJ wave goodbye.

Will and RJ make tacos and eat dinner with the kids! :)

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