
"So, Santana told me that your album is doing really well," I say to Mercedes as we both take a seat on the couch, "I listened to it and it was amazing."

Mercedes called and asked if she could come over and I said yeah because she makes good company while Santana is at work.

"And that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," she shifts a little, "It's doing so good that they want me to go on tour."


Mercedes' smile fades, "Do you not see where I'm going with this?"

"There's more?"

She laughs, "I want you to join me on tour...as a dancer."




"Britt, you're the best dancer I've ever seen. You can dance to anything at anytime and you're really good at it, and this is really good exposure for you. You know? Like, other people will see you and think about how good you are."

I'm frozen with a smile on my face. Me? On tour? Dancing? That sounds more than awesome and I would totally jump on board if it wasn't for Juilliard. They called me a few minutes before Mercedes got here and told me that I got in and then I called Santana and told her.

I would rather perform on a stage instead of in a classroom, but what if I go on this tour and not go on anymore. By then, I'll have already turned the school down and it would be embarrassing to reapply.

I come back to my senses and blink a few times, "I am honored that you want me to come along with you, but I just got accepted into Juilliard. Which is..."

"Amazing!" Mercedes yells, "Brittany, that's amazing!"

"Thank you," I run a hand through my hair, "How long is the tour going to be?"

"Three months with a two week break," Mercedes puts her right leg over her left, "Look, I know it's a lot to think about, and you just got accepted into one of the most prestigious dance schools, so I'm gonna give you some time to think about this. You don't have to let me know today or tomorrow or next week. First concert is here on October 1st. Let me know at least a week before that."

For the rest of the day I was stuck with these two options: stay here with Santana or leave Santana for three months. I wanna go on tour because it's great exposure and it's what I love to do, but then I don't because I don't want to leave Santana.

As I'm reading Juilliard's rules on reapplying, Santana walks in. I hear her drop her keys into the bowl and her greeting Lord Tubbington.

She walks into the living room, with Lord Tubbington following behind and she has a smile on her face. As she gets closer, I can see the bags under her eyes and all I wanna do is hold her because I know how tired she is. Being a singing and dancing waitress isn't easy, especially when you have to do it for twelve hours.

"Hey," She says as she bends down and kisses me on the lips, "my future Juilliard star."

I clear my throat, "About that..."

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