Not my fault, still sorry.

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Jade dropped herself on her bed, exhausted. Today was a very hefty day indeed, heck she almost kissed two guys in one night! She couldn't help but to think she's a bad girl, or a girl that can't help but to fall for any guy she meets. But this one guy out of the two....

Jade touched her lips, blushing. She squeaked like an idiot, she thought, and kept rolling on the bed in her dress. She could imagine his hands holding hers, and wanted to look for any trace of him on her hand, heck she didn't want to wash her hands again! like a fan girl. Who knew Leo could make her feel that way? Who knew he could be so romantic and make her feel fuzzy and warm inside.

He is something, isn't he?

It was 10:00 pm already, and her bed was calling her as ever, after she changed into her embarrassing unicorn wonzie that she doesn't give a flying freck about who sees her with it right now, she slipped into a peaceful slumber.
What is jade to me now?

What am I to Jade now?

Leo kept pondering about what's his relationship with Jade right now is supposed to be called.

Are they still best friends? He sure still wants to talk to her the way they used to and to play around like the childish people they are. But he still loves her, and if they were introduced to people as best friends, then how is he allowed to love her? Also, do you kiss your bestfriend?!

Then, are they called a couple? Well, sure Leo wanted to call her his, but couples don't do anything but cuddle up and have serious conversations about love and life. This was too much for Leo and Jade, it lacks the friends part, which was the most important part, after all, they were friends before that, bestfriends.

So, if couple is out of the question, then are they dating? This one, Leo thought was impossible, they haven't been on a single date!... yet. Besides, when you hear the word, it comes out as inappropriate, it's just that much of a stereotype. He just wants to be himself with Jade, while he can still love her.

Why do they have to have a title to be put under? Why do people's minds have to know they're a certain items under a certain category, Leo thinks they're way too good to be called 'a couple' or 'dating', they're all just statements that, when heard, a bunch of stereotypical thoughts are mentioned that are related to it. And Leo wouldn't like that.

He wants them to be introduced as 'we love eachother', can't that be possible?

They're just Leo and Jade, Jade and Leo. Nothing more and, definitely, nothing less.

I'll still ask her on a date, though.

Jade woke up the next morning, less tired this time. She dressed up into her high waisted jeans and maroon hoodie, she was feeling comfy today, she was feeling happy today.

But she didn't know what was coming.

"Good morning sweetie, how was yesterday?" Her mother asked her as soon as she was settled on the kitchen table, enjoying her pancakes as her breakfast.

Jade shuddered, blushing as she thought about yesterday's events. But...What should she tell her mother? Yeah mom, she was about to kiss a douchebag and then she broke Leo's heart before realising what happened then she kissed Leo instead.

Hell no!

"It was very fun."

"Is that so?"


"You had fun with your friends."

Sure, if you can kiss your friends, then yeah sure.

A Journey Through His SoulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora