A kept Makeover.

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"That'd be five dollars and 99 cents, miss." The sales man of Jade's local convenient store beamed at her, waiting to earn a worth of goods sold in here, or rather alot of soda of Jade's choice.

Jade fished out six dollars out of her skinny jeans pocket, which was very hard, cause they were skinny.

Why are you smilimg at my face like that?! Yes, I know, but is it that distinctively and magnificently beautiful?!

Jade grumbled to herself, too low for the very obviously gay man to hear, he thought it was more of a groan.

Jade became a person of an opinion with a sprinkle of attitude, and also rather sassy. Her being the anti-social she bacame, gave the man his earned money and took off without a glance, too shy to make small talk, and she disliked him anyway, he was such a creep, really. At least that's what she thought.

"Mum! Dad! Justin! I'm home!" Jade called.

Her twenty one years old brother stepped in front of Jade and messed up her hair, after taking her beanie off, which Jade found very irritating and invading to her comfortable personal space.

"Hey! Give that back!"

"Why are you even wearing it? It's frikkin' ninety degrees out there! This is Ohio sis."

"Cause..." she trailed off.

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for the rest of the explanation.

"Ugh, cause it's cute, ok!"

"You? Cute? Puhhhleasee! You look like that snail from Sponge Bob with a beanie instead of a shell."

"Ha ha very funny! Give it back!" She snatched her beanie from her rather tall brother, and gave him a Cola can, just so that he can leave her alone, then she offered her parents some.

"Hey what are you doing with the rest of the soda?! You have like four more cans in there!"

"Drink them, duh."

"Oh god, I don't want you to move back to New York today looking like an elephant! Oh poor friends you have there! Poor teachers! Poor Le~"

She threw a pillow on her brother before he can complete that sentence, it was a conversation on a more sensitive area in Jade that she disliked talking about, and she hated moving back to New York for it, because now, apparently, she has to face it.

"Jade, honey! Would you please put these bags in the trunk of the car? And hurry up we don't want to miss the plane!" Kate called to her sixteen year old daughter to help her with the ridiculously heavy travel suit cases.

"Coming!" She called.

After they were all settled back in the trunk, the suit cases, it was time that the family says their goodbyes to their beloved Justin, which of course aren't enough to last him the whole year, or whenever he's coming to visit them in New York, which he found a very thrilling experience to look forward to. Jade had to admit that she was going to miss that huge clumsy gumball she calls her brother. True, she hated him at first when she moved back in Ohio, for...certain reasons she'd rather not mention at the moment.

"I'll miss you tiny sis!" He said, before hugging her in a crushing hug, that Jade grew not so fond of. But she's still going to miss it.

"Goodbye my enormous bro." She said, patting his back and smiling a broken smile, with a longing look in her eyes. And soon, she had tears in her eyes.

"Awww honey don't cry, he sure is going to visit us from time to time." Kate assured her.

"You better!" She glared at him threatengley, that if threatening was still intimidating with red eyes and a blown nose, Justin rather found the threat cute, not intimidating.

A Journey Through His SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ