chapter 3 -

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**disclaimer** tw- q slur.

 Harry was never one for relationships, hell, his last relationship was a year ago. Plus, he wasn't even sure what he was feeling exactly. He liked Louis, sure, but romantically? He wasn't too confident in answering that. But what happened last night, he couldn't help but replaying it over and over in his mind. Louis' sleeping face, his cute snores, the way he cuddled up against Harry even without even realizing it.

Harry's heartbeat quickened as he looked over at Louis, who is on his phone blasting music on his speaker. "Zombie" by The Cranberries was playing, and Louis was bobbing his head along to the music.

He noticed Harry staring at him and flashed him a smile. "Mornin'."

Harry sat up from his uncomfortable position on the couch and rubbed his eyes. "Hey, Lou. Are we gonna like.. Talk?"

Louis laughed, "About what? Me accidently falling asleep on you?"

Harry grimaced, not realizing it was unintentional. It stung a little but he waved it off.

"You're still the one" by Shania Twain played next on the loud speaker.

"You have good music taste," Harry pointed out. Louis just smiled as he continued bobbing his head and humming softly.

"Looks like we made it, Look how far we've come my baby," Louis sang along with the lyrics.

"We might have took the long way, we knew we'd get there someday," Louis continued, gazing at Harry. He stood up and held out his hand in front of Harry.

"M-me?" Harry stuttered out, pointing to himself. He took Louis' hand and let Louis lead the way as they danced together, bobbing to the music.

"Come on, sing for me Harry," Louis whispered softly in his ear.

Harry's face flushed, not knowing what to say. They both sang together to the chorus, dancing in sync.

"You're still the one I run to, the one I belong to," Harry sang, a little quietly. He was a little shy to sing in front of others, especially Louis, who made him nervous more than anyone else.

Louis twirled Harry around, almost comically, and dipped him, gazing into his bright blue eyes.

"You're pink," Louis pointed out, smirking.

"You're still the one I love, the only one I dream of."

They danced throughout the duration of the soft love song, Harry's heart racing as Louis pulled him closer, humming and singing along. He could tell this song was one of Louis' favorites, the way he passionately swayed to the beat and heartfelt lyrics. As the song ended, he gave a quick wink to Harry.

The next song played on the speaker, the iconic "What is love."

"Oh, this is a bop!" Louis exclaimed, dancing on his own, his movements graceful and fluid. He seemed to not mind doing his own thing in front of others, and hell, he was good at it.

"WHAT IS LOVE!" Louis screamed out, shaking his hips. Harry couldn't help but laugh as he watched him.

"I gave you my love but you don't care. What is wrong, give me a sign!"

"WHAT IS LOVE, BABY DON'T HURT ME- DON'T HURT ME. NO MORE!" Louis screeched. He didn't care as he danced like a grandpa, chuckling at Harry's funny expression.

"Oh oh oh oh ohhhh ohhhhh ohhh ohhhhh!" Harry sang, somehow hitting the high notes while Louis stared in amazement, a big smile forming on his lips.

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