Not What I Expected

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When we got to the dance, we went inside. Instantly, Arizona saw me and ran over to me.

"Hey! Are you ready for this?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah! Is Charlie here yet?" I asked.

"No I don't think so," Arizona answered.

"Wow. Look how beautiful Kaitlin's dress is," Sam said looking at Kaitlin who was dancing with James. Her dress was pretty short, strapless, and a pale blue color. Kaitlin was the most popular girl in my grade and Charlie's ex-friend.

"So do you want to dance Sam?" I asked.

"Um nah. I'm going to go get some punch," he said and walked away. I silently felt hurt that he had just walked away from me, but didn't let it bother me. Charlie and her date, Jacob, walked in. She ran over and tapped me on the shoulder, making me jump.

"Charlie!" I shrieked.

"Sorry," she laughed.

I looked over to see what Sam was doing and I noticed he was dancing with Kaitlin. I wondered why he didn't want to dance with me or thought I looked pretty when he had asked me to the dance, not Kaitlin.

Arizona and Riley has gone off and where dancing, so Charlie and I went and sat down and talked. Jacob sat down with us then eventually left to go dance with one of Kaitlin's friends, McKenzie.

"Well I guess since both of our dates ditched us want to dance?" Charlie asked.

"Sure why not?" We got up and walked onto the very crowded dance floor.

We danced and my hair flew around and hit me in the face. Charlie and I laughed and danced around, unaware of where our arms were flying around us. Unknowingly, Charlie accidentally hit someone.

"Gees. Watch it!!" Kaitlin said, "Oh. Charlie," she glared at us, "how are are you and your lame little friends?"

"We're fine," Charlie said looking at the ground.

"I still don't understand why you went from being popular to being a laughing stalk of the school hanging out with these weirdos. You should have stayed with us Charlie. We're your true friends. We help you become a perfect sexy bitch who everyone loves and adores. Now you're just someone who somehow got a dance to the dance. I honestly don't know who you did it Charlie. McKenzie did you help her?"

"Nope I wouldn't help her," McKenzie replied.

I looked at Charlie who was staring at her feet, trying to stifle back tears.

"Well really Charlie tell us how you did it? Oh wait. That's right. You got asked, but your date isn't even giving a shit about you. He's dancing with the girl you will never be as cool as, McKenzie."

Finally Charlie pushed through Kaitlin and McKenzie and ran out into the hallway. I got up in Kaitlin's face and said, "how dare you," I steamed, more angry than I'd ever been before, and ran out after Charlie.


I found Charlie at the far end of the hallway, hugging her knees and her head buried in her arms, crying. Arizona must have seen what had happened because I heard her run after me and caught up with me, looking to find Charlie.

Arizona and I sat down next to Charlie and wrapped my arms around her. I knew she probably didn't want to talk to anyone so I didn't say anything.

After a while, Charlie had stopped crying and Arizona and I talked to her for a while. Then Sam and Kaitlin walked by.

"Oh hi Lulu," Sam said.

"Hi," I glared.

"I'm going to take Kaitlin home, so can you find a ride?"

"Um sure I guess," I sighed, then realized that I wasn't going to let Sam walk all over me, "you know what Sam. You can take Kaitlin home. And thanks a lot for asking me when all you did was just talk to Kaitlin the whole time," I snapped.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah right." I scoffed at him as he and Kaitlin walked out of the building laughing and having fun.

"My mom's coming to get me," Charlie said, "she said she can take you guys home too if you wanted to leave now."

"Well I better go find Riley," Arizona said.

"I want to stay for some reason," I said.

"Okay. See you guys later," said Charlie as she got up and left. Arizona went back into the gymnasium, where the dance was being held.

I walked back inside and was greeted by the blasting music inside the gym. I walked over and got a cup of punch and sat down by the wall. I sat there and watched everyone have fun until someone walked by.

"Having fun?" He said, "oh hi Lulu!" He said realizing it was me.

"Oh hi Landon," I said looking up and noticing who it was, "I guess. My date ditched me for Kaitlin though."

"Well our dates ran off together. Kaitlin was my date," he said.

"Really? How did someone as nice as you go with someone like Kaitlin?"

"Well my friends wanted me to ask someone popular. Honestly, I wanted to ask you Lulu," Landon blushed.


"Yeah. Um would you like to dance?"

"Sure!" I smiled. Landon and I walked onto the dance floor and started to dance.

I had always liked Landon. He's been my crush since sixth grade, but I always thought he'd never be interested in me, but here we were dancing together.

"Can I tell you something?" Landon asked me.


"I'm going to be honest. I've always liked you Lulu. You're just so different than all those fake popular girls. You're so funny and have the cutest laugh. And you look beautiful in that dress."

I didn't know what to say. No boy had ever complimented me like that, "I-I don't know what to say. Thank you! I've always liked you too Landon."


"Yeah." We both blushed at each other awkwardly, until Landon hugged me out of nowhere. My jaw dropped and I blushed even more, but hugged him back.


When the dance ended, Landon took me home, since I didn't have a ride.

"Thank you for taking me home," I said.

"You're welcome. It was really fun Lulu. I'd love to hangout more together."

"I'd like that. Goodnight Landon," I said smiling as I walked inside.


Not what you expected right?? Do you like Landon? I do!!! I think he and Lulu are so cute! Anyway hope you liked this long chapter! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me!!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

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