Surprise! Surprise!

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I missed Sookie everyday, but I always knew she had had a good life and was in heaven. That made us all feel better.

In late January, at lunch Arizona and I were sitting together being weird as usual. Then a girl I'd seen before with long brown-blonde hair and big and beautiful brown eyes came over.

"Hi. I was wondering, could I sit with you guys?" She asked. I then remembered her name was Charlie and she was popular, so what was she doing sitting with us?

"Yeah sure," I said.

"Thanks. You guys are just so nice and I'm sick of the rude popular girls. They never talk to me," she explained, "I'm Charlie. Arizona and Lulu right?"

"Yeah," Arizona and I responded.

"well you can sit with us whenever you want or everyday!" Arizona said smiling.

"Totally!" I added.

Charlie grinned, "Thanks guys."

"No problem."

I had some classes with Charlie after lunch, including 6th period, algebra, which was right after lunch.

We walked down the hallway towards the class with Arizona, who had English down the same hall.

"Bye Ari!" I called to Arizona as she went into her class.

"You guts are seriously so nice," Charlie said and hugged me, which caught me a little of guard but I liked it and hugged her back.

"So are you!" I smiled, "You were always a popular girl I actually liked."

"Well thanks. We'd better go," she said. I hadn't realized we had been standing by the English classroom door for a while talking.

I laughed, "yeah you're probably right." We walked into the class and started on the bell ringer together.


After school, Mama was picked me up instead of taking the bus. I put my backpack and lunch box down and got into the car.

"Guess what?" I quizzed with excitement.

"You aced your Spanish test?" Mama said.

"Well I don't know about that but I think I did well, but I made another friend."

"Aw Lulu that's great! What's her name?"

"Charlie. She was popular but was tired of those rude girls so she sat by Arizona and me at lunch. She's super nice."

"I'm so glad Sweetie!" Mama said happily. We pulled into the elementary school and waited for Henry. I watched him say by to his friends then run to the car his backpack hanging on one shoulder.

"Hi!" He said and threw his stuff in the car.

"Hi Hen how was school?" Mama asked him.

"Good!" He said.

"That's good. Dad and I have a surprise for you at home," Mom said.

"What is it?!" Henry exclaimed.

"It's a surprise weirdo. She's not going to tell you," I said laughing at my little brother. Henry stuck his tongue out at me and Mama laughed along with us.

At home we pulled into the garage and got out and threw our backpacks into the mud room. "It's in the living room with Dad," Mama said.

Henry and I ran into the living room and there was Dad sitting on the ground with a Great Dane puppy chewing a dog toy in his lap.

"Meet our new family member," Dad said.

My jaw dropped and eyes widened the size of golf balls. Henry gasped and then jumped around, excitedly. "Really?!" I cried, "Oh my gosh!" I ran over to the puppy and Dad and started to pet it. She was a gray color, known as blue, with black speckles on her.

"She's a girl and she just needs a name," Mama said.

"She's so cute!" I squealed.

"Well I don't think "She's so cute" would be a very good name..." Dad joked and we laughed.

"Let's all come up with a name and we can vote," Mama said.

"Okay! Cookie is my name!" Henry exclaimed.

We all thought for a while until I came up with Kona, Dad said Maggie, and Mama said Lexie.

We all voted and it was between Lexie and Kona. The final voting, Lexie got none and Kona got all four votes!

"Well Kona it is!" Dad said and petted her.

"Kona come here," I called. She ran over her ears flopping and her tongue sticking out. I picked her up and she started to lick my face and bite my nose playfully.

"Kona Lexie Pomatter," I said and Henry came over and patted her on the head.

"Perfect," Mama said coming over and so did Dad and we all pet out little puppy, Kona.


Thanks for reading! I hope you all liked it! There's a picture of Kona down below! She's so cute! Please comment below, vote, and follow me! Thanks for reading!

Love, leah_ann ❤️

Love, leah_ann ❤️

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