It's Okay. You Go.

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In early November Sookie was laying on my bed when I woke up. Usually Mama would take her off my bed after she said goodnight, so I was confused that she was still on my bed.

I got out of bed and Sookie got off the bed; her joints stiff and slowly followed me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went downstairs. Mama was sitting on the couch and Dad had gone to work.

"Good morning," Mama said.

"Good morning. Did you leave Sookie on my bed last night?"

"Yeah. She was so stiff and so comfortable and didn't want to move at all so I left her there."

"Aw Sookie."

"She needs breakfast. Will you feed her?"

"Yeah sure," I said, "come on Sookie," but she didn't budge, "Sookie come." She finally got up and trudged behind me.

I got her dog food from the cabinet in the laundry room and poured some into her bowl. She looked at it hesitantly at first then proceeded to gobble it down quickly. I laughed at her then went into the living room. Henry came down in his pajamas and flopped down on the couch.

"Mama I'm bored," Henry wined.

"You literally got up like three seconds ago. How are you bored already?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Well who's ready for breakfast?" Mama asked, "I have to get to the diner but I can make some quick breakfast if you guys are hungry."

"I'm not," I said.

"I want cereal," Henry said going to the pantry.

"Okay. Then I'm going to bed out," Mama sod and kissed me on the head, "love you guys. Call me if you need me."

"Okay. Bye Mama!" I called.

"Bye!" Henry said.

A little after Mama left I got some breakfast and turned on the TV to watch Full House, only the best show ever. Sookie stood up from the rug in the kitchen she was laying on and sat by the back door and wined.

"Henry can you let Sookie out?" I asked.

"Why can't you?"

"You're closer. Please."

"Okay." He shrugged. I knew Henry didn't mind doing it he was just a little dork sometimes, but I loved him.

After a little while I decided Sookie better come back into the house. She had been outside for a while. I opened the door and called her name. I called and called. She didn't come.

"Henry? What'd you do?" I spat and him.

"Nothing! I just let her out!" Henry yelled defensively.

"Come help me look for her," I said. I put my boots and sweatshirt on and Henry did the same coming outside with me.

"Sookie!!" I screamed walking around the back yard.

Then I noticed that the gate to the front yard was open. I panicked, knowing Sookie had gone out of our yard. We ran out the gate and kept yelling for Sookie.

After a while I was in tears and so was Henry. I ran into the house and grabbed my phone. I called Mama.

"Hello?" Mama answered ten she noticed I was crying, "oh Lu what happened?"

"I can't f-find S-Sookie," I cried.

"Oh no. How long have you guys been looking?"

"A long time," I said.

"Do you want me to come home?" Mama asked.

"Could you?" I sniffed.

"Sure Sweetie. Hold tight."

"Okay," I said and hung up the phone.

I just sat in the couch trying to calm myself down and stop crying. Henry came over and sat next to me.

"Lulu. Are we going to find Sookie?" He asked and put his head on my shoulder, tears in his blue grey eyes.

"I hope so Hen," I said.

Soon Mama came in. Henry got up and hugged her, "Mom!" Henry cried.

"Let's get in the car and drive around," Mama said trying not to cry and be calm. I could see it in her eyes. I knew my mom very well.

"Okay," I got up and we all hurried to the car. We searched and kept our eyes peeled looking for Sookie.

"There she is!" I called. She was laying in between a few bushes and trees near someone's house. Mama pulled over and we got out of the car. Mama went to get her up since she was old. She touched Sookie's stomach and Sookie whimpered very loudly.

Mama gasped and pet Sookie's head. "Sookie. What's wrong." Mama said and carefully touched other spots on Sookie's stomach. Every time she whimpered.

"Mama? What wrong?" Henry asked with fear in his eyes.

"I don't know Bub," Mama said, "let's take her to the vet. Lulu open the back of the car."

I did as Mama said and she picked Sookie up carefully and put her in the back seat. We jumped in the car and Mama called Dad.


At the vet, Henry and I stayed in the waiting room while Mama went in with the doctor.

"Lulu?" Henry said.


"Sookie's going to die. Isn't she?" He sobbed.

"I think so Hen," I cried with him. Henry let out a big cry and hugged me I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight while I silently cried.

After a little bit of time had passed, Mama and the doctor came out.

"So Sookie's stomach flipped which is common in old dogs and is very painful. This happens when they eat or drink to quickly. Also this happened once before today but was minor," the doctor explained. I felt my salty tears roll down my cheeks. "There is a surgery but your mother and I decided it's to risky. She most likely not make it through the night."
Henry and I cried. Mama and I looked at us with tears rolling down her face.

When Dad got off work he drove straight to the hospital. Mama had already called him and told him what was going to happen to Sookie. He swung open the door and hurried in. He must have hurried right out of the office because he still was wearing his lab coat. I ran over and hugged him. He stroked the top of my head.

"Do you want to come say goodbye?" The doctor asked coming out of the room.

I nodded. And Mama said to me, "Lulu?" I walked over by her and we went into the room. I stifled back a tear at the sight of Sookie, asleep with an IV in her front right paw.

I went over to her and put my head on her soft, furry neck. "Sookie. You were a great dog. I just want you to know I love you so much. It's okay that you're leaving. I'll miss you but it's your time to go to heaven. Goodbye Sookie Bear." I kissed her neck and felt my tears fall onto her soft, fluffy, orange fur. I lied there for a while until Mama got me up and took me back out to Dad and Henry. Henry went with Mama and I put my head on Dad's lap cried. He stroked my hair and eventually I fell asleep.

When I woke up we're we're leaving the vet's we'd all said goodbye to Sookie and she passed away a little bit ago. Mama had stayed with her until she passed.

At home I tried not think about her because it would make me to sad. Eventually I want sure why because it made me sob, I got a photo album from my sixth birthday and on, the day we got Sookie. I looked at old memories of her, a melancholy smile on my face as tears rolled down my cheeks.


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