Chapter Nineteen: First Time

Start from the beginning

"Please," I begged, "Lucifer, please!" He seemed to take the hint and suddenly he was pounding into me, hard and fast. I felt my insides growing tighter, my body racing to the finish. "Come on, baby," he panted, his hand reached down to press down on my clit. I moaned and after a few more rough thrusts found myself cumming around him. "Lucifer!" I groaned as he thrusted still until finally he found his own release. "Fuck!" he called out, stilling as we both lay there high from each other. The only sound to be heard was our panting, Lucifer's breathing loud in my ear as he nuzzled my neck.

"Wow," I breathed, my voice finally coming back to me, "that" Lucifer raised his head, eyes aglow with amusement. "Youre very welcome." I grinned, I loved playful Lucifer. "So are you pleased?" I started, smirking as I spoke, "you finally stole my virtue." Lucifer froze, his eyes widening as he looked down at me. My smile vanished, fear replacing it. "Whats wrong? Lucifer, I was kidding." He blinked, looking away, "of course you were. Sorry, darling." he turned back to me, his lazy smirk in place. But in his eyes the unease was still there. I frowned, gently running my fingers across his face. "Hey," I murmured, my tone soft. "Youre ruining the moment. Besides, I thought this was what you wanted?"

My words seemed to have released something within me though, maybe I was reason he was upset. Maybe I had done something wrong? Or hadnt done something at all that I should have? Panic seized me, what if he asked me to go? What if that was it? What if he didnt want to see me anymore? My fear must have shown because the unease in Lucifer's eyes was replaced with concern. "Lorelai, whats wrong?"

"Did I...did I do something wrong?" I squeaked. His eyes widened and he moved, sitting us up. He pulled out of me and I winced slightly. Lucifer cupped my face in his hands, staring intently into my eyes. "No, love of course not. You just threw me off for a second. I apologize, please, believe me." I tried to calm down, finding the reason in is words and slowly nodding my head. "Okay," I whispered. He sighed, relaxing and pulling me into his arms. He moved us so we were laying down again, this time underneath his silk sheets.

"How are you feeling?" he asked after a moment of silence. How was I feeling? I was floating mostly, drifting on happiness and exhaustion. I yawned and Lucifer chuckled, tracing my cheek with his finger. "Get some sleep, you must be exhausted," I nodded. "I am, youve worn me out," he chuckled again, turning me around so he was spooning me. Being so close to him, skin to skin, was probably the most comfortable I had ever felt. "Sleep, love." My eyes closed, but my mind refused to turn off.

"Lucifer?" I whispered. "Yes, love?"

"Thank you for this evening...everything was...perfect." I couldt see him, obviously, but as he spoke, I could here the smile in his voice. "Youre welcome, love. Now sleep," his command washed over me and soon my body relaxed into his, finding solace in his warm embrace. My thoughts drifted and soon I fell into oblivion.

* * *

Lucifer woke slowly, his conscious mind awakening as if he had been asleep for eons instead of merely hours. The sun beat down on him, blinding him slightly. He groaned and tried to shift but was unable to as someone else pinned him down.


Lucifer was used to waking up entangled in bare limbs, having women or men asleep on him. But he was not used to feeling so content, so blissfully happy because of it. Usually, he would just roll them off and be on his way, but now, he was ever so careful not to even breathe to harshly for fear of waking his Lorelai up.

His Lorelai.

Memories of last night came back to him and he grinned stupidly up at the ceiling. He couldnt believe it when she told him she wanted to finally sleep with him, couldnt believe that she had changed her mind. He had done it, he had convinced her that she didnt need love to have sex. But something about that thought irked him, no, Lorelai wasnt just another notch in his old belt. Whatever had happened between them last night had been different. He had felt alive when he hovered over her, her green eyes piercing his soul, capturing it with her innocence and affection. And that was it, he realized, sex with her had been so different from sex with other women because he actually cared about her.

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