Chapter Seven

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"Enclose your heart in times of need with the steel of your determination and your strength. In doing this, all things will be bearable." —Novalee


“I had a brother—a twin—and I never knew?” Novalee continued to babble on about the newly released information. She’d been like this for ten minutes now, and it started to worry Elimpitha and Ratchet. From scans the medic had been taking, it showed that she was become more and more stressed the more she tried to process it. Novalee tried to stay calm—her disorder proved otherwise.

“Novalee” the girl looked at Ratchet, “-maybe you should go on a drive somewhere, with Elimpitha or Jazz. Get your mind off of things” Ratchet said.

“Okay..” Novalee said. Elimpitha transformed and waited for the twelve year old to climb into the backseats of her alt-mode. Once they were outside of the base Elimpitha flipped through the radio stations for a song the two could listen to.

“Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover. Hey sister! Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do” Novalee seemed to pick up fast with the song and started to sing along a bit. After the first song, the femme turned down the volume so the two could talk.

“How do you like living in the base, ‘Lee?” she asked.

“I love it—being around people that actually care about me, it feels nice” Novalee said with a grin.

“That’s good. You’re also great to have around” Elimpitha said.

“If you don’t mind me asking—what was you and Stormbreaker’s sparklet like?” Novalee asked.

“Nonsense! I’d love to talk about our sparklet. We called her Stormraider—after her sire. Her armor was goldish like his, and she had some white and purple for a trim. She looked an awful lot like Stormbreaker” Novalee listened intently as the femme went on about her ospering. It made her smile too.

“She’d stick her little digits in the seams of our armor, into our more sensitive cables. She made her kinsman squeel a bit too. Never thought that mech could sound so femenish in my life-cycle” Elimpitha laughed.

“We had to hide her when she was around one-thousand years old. The war had gotten to hazardous for her to live in, we sent her away in a pod so she would be safe” they fell into silence again. Novalee looked out the window and saw a yellow car twined by a red version of itself. A similar blocky face on each bumper.

“Hey El’, were there ever a pair of Autobots where ones yellow and the other was red?” the twelve year old asked.

“Yes. Why?” Elimpitha asked.

“Those two cars—on the right” she said. Elimpitha went quiet but she revved her alts engine.

“They’re Autobots,” came a response “and that ain’t Stormbreaker’s alt.”

Elimpitha and Novalee followed them for awhile, and they seemed to have noticed. The femmes hollowform activated and the windows became more transparent. Both cars veered off onto an abandoned dirt road, which led to a treeline. The purple mercedes followed in pursuit, unwilling to lose them.

“Stop, Autobots!” Elimpitha’s speakers blared. The two cars screeched to a stop and transformed.

“Who are you?” the yellow one demanded in a form or a sneer. Both Autobot’s were mecha—from what Novalee learned from Ratchet in their spare time. They had relatively similar frames. The yellow one held adial fins that went of the sides of his head. The red one had more of horns on his head. They also looked to be the same in height.

“Now that’s a shame, you two. Don’t remember your family member?” Elimpitha transformed, Novalee in her servos, “I see you two and your companion are doing swell.”

“Elimpitha?” the red one said.

“Howdy” came her reply, “This is my current companion—Novalee.”

“This is Nathan, our companion” the red one spoke again, motioning to the boy by his ped, who had brunette hair and blue eyes and pale skin—though his features were darkened by the fading light of the day.

“How come you haven’t communicated with us?” Elimpitha asked.

“Our comm links and navigation systems are screwed up, no doubt our tracking systems are too” the yellow one grunted, “—so we decided to get around with these sexy alts” the red one said with a wide grin.

“El’, who are they?” Novalee asked.

“Oh—my mistake. Nova’, this is Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. Two of the Autobots frontliners; family really” Elimpitha said. When she said their name she pointed at the said mech.

“Hello” Novalee said shyly.

“So, Novalee. Are you a prankster?” Sideswipe asked. Novalee shook her head.

“She’s still what humans would say—coming out of her shell” Elimpitha said.

“It’s not my fault that I have a bipolar disorder!” Novalee said defensively.

“Let’s head back to base shall we? Novalee’s sire will blow a fuse if I return too late with her” Elimpitha said. The three ‘Bots transformed and had their companions get into their alts. Once they started driving back Novalee had ended up passing out. When she woke up again, she found she wasn’t in Elimpitha’s cab anymore. It was her bed, her cool comforter covering her from the base of her neck down. She went back into her peaceful and needed sleep—being mentally exhausted from earlier.

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