Chapter Five

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" In touch with history and our destiny" —Elimpitha


It’s been a week since Novalee join the Autobot family. She’d gotten along with everyone, spending time with each of the ‘Bots. Novalee even spent time learning about Cybertron and their culture from Optimus. Tonight she was spending time with Jazz, messing around with random boxes to enact as drums. One of the computer systems beeped and Fowler picture popped up.

“Prime? Do you read me?” Fowler spoke.

“I’m sorry Agent Fowler. Optimus isn’t here at the moment” Ratchet said. Some of the ‘Bots stood by the terminal Ratchet was using, listening in on what they were saying.

“Then I’ll take that as a confirmation that he’s presently trying to run me off the road!”

“Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely” Ratchet replied. He wasn’t buying that Optimus would harm a human—if he did. He’d severely regret it.

“Tell that to my burning treads!” Fowler snapped back. The call was ended and everyone looked at each other. It was unknow what to do.

“Ratchet, open a bridge. We’re gonna see why Fowler would accuse Bossbot” Stormbreaker said. Ratchet did as the mech said—Stormbreaker, Arcee, and Bumblebee going through. Novalee continued to follow the beat Jazz layed out for her. When the others returned, it was with an unconscious Arcee and Fowler.

“What happened?” Novalee asked, worried about Arcee.

“She’ll be fine, Ratchet’s going to take care of her” Elimpitha said,“An’ Ratch’ is ah good medic” Jazz added. After about a half hour Arcee started to wake up. Ratchet had his medical flashlight in her slowly opening optics.

“Yes, that’s it. Follow the light” Ratchet said. Arcee snapped awake, “Wait. What? Not the best choice of words, Ratchet.”

“Arcee. Are you alright?” Stormbreaker asked.

“Sure. Except being blindsided by Optimus” Arcee said. Novalee scrunched her eyebrows at the thought of Optimus being bad. She shivered at the thought.

“Didn’t I tell you?” Fowler said irritably. Novalee and Ratchet frowned a bit.

“Impossible” Elimpitha denied.

“I’m only reporting what I saw” Fowler said.

“Why would Optimus try to knock off Agent Fowler?” Jack questioned.

“Maybe Optimus believes he’s a Decepticon all over again” Rafael suggested, confusing Novalee, “Or he’s been faking being a good guy all along” Miko said.

“No! Optimus is good. I don’t believe he’d hurt any of us” Novalee said.

“If Prime has gone of the rails for any reason, we have a serious problem” Fowler said.

“This is absurd. A quick check on Optimus’ signal will reveal that he’s nowhere near the location of tonight’s incident—in fact he’s just returning now” Ratchet said. The sound of Optimus’ loud engine rumbled as he drove through the tunnel. Novalee stood by the railing closest to Ratchet as she watched the Prime transform. He noticed everyone staring at him and the odd silence, as well as a suspicious aura.[b]

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

“We’ were just wondering where you’ve been” Bulkhead said, “We haven’t been able to reach you” Arcee said.

I have been outside of our communication range—” he reach behind him for something, causing a few of the ‘Bots to activate their weapons and aim them cautiously at the Prime, “In a energon deposit” Optimus finished, holding up his servos in defense with a shard of energon in one of them.

“Optimus, in touch with history” Elimpitha started, “and our destiny” Optimus finished.

“It’s our Optimus, you guys” Stormbreaker said.

“Can’t you tell?” Jack said.

“We’re.. Sorry” Arcee said as she retracted her arm-cannons.

“Don’t blame them, Prime. I was attacked earlier tonight out on the open highway by a big rig—one that bore a striking resemblance to you” Fowler said.

“Ratchet—is it okay if I went on a drive with Jazz?” Novalee asked. Ratchet nodded, making Novalee smile. She walked down the steps to where the musical Autobot had transformed. The back door opened for her, soon they were off.


When the two returned, Optimus was having a check-up from Ratchet. The girl noticed how dented his armor had gotten and the gash in his arms armor. Once Jazz stopped and let her out, she jogged over to the two worriedly.

“What happened?” she asked.

“We destroyed M.E.C.H’s copy of Optimus, and their leader is no doubt gone as well” Ratchet said.

“Yet there is still things to clear up with the government” Optimus said.

“It’ll be okay, i know it will” Novalee grinned. The small girl’s enthusiasm warmed Optimus’ spark, she could be happy during war.

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