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Jeno walked to school, still sulking over what happened yesterday. Why didn't Jaemin show up? Was he mad at him? Is he hurt? The more he thought about it, the less upset he got and the more worried be became. Lost in his thoughts, he ran right into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

He looked up and came face to face with the boy who dumped juice on him. The kid looked at him in disgust.

"You think that an apology is enough? And after what happened last time I saw you?"

Jeno didn't say anything, which just pissed the boy off more. Before the boy could say anything else, the warning bell for their first class rang.

"Don't worry, I'll get back at you later."

The boy walked off to his class, leaving Jeno extremely annoyed.


Jeno walked to his locker, ready for the day to be over. He decided to get all his stuff ready before last class so he could leave as soon as he could. As soon as he opened his locker though, everything came spilling out. Anger bubbled up in him, knowing exactly who did this. He sat on the floor, picking up every single piece of paper that spilt out. He soon heard the final bell for class. His teacher was definitely not going to let him off the hook for being late. He gathered his belongings and dragged himself to his class.

"Why are you late?"


"I don't want to hear any excuses, just go sit down at your seat."

"What's the point of asking why I was late if you won't let me say anything."

"What did you say? Are you talking back to me? Since you're being so rude, you can stay after class and clean."

Jeno was in such a bad mood already, he didn't even care. He sat the rest of class staring off into space.


Jaemin ran as fast as he could to him and Jeno's meeting spot. He was so excited to see him, he decided he would come early. He waited, but Jeno wasn't coming. Oh no, was he upset about me not being here yesterday? Jaemin decided that Jeno probably wasn't going to show up so he went and stayed in his tree house. Feeling overwhelmed by the fact Jeno probably hated him now, Jaemin burst into tears.


Jeno had finished his cleaning duty and was on his way home, when it hit him. He had forgotten that he was meeting up with Jaemin! He made his way to their meeting spot but didn't see Jaemin. Clearly disappointed, Jeno started making his way home but something was telling him to look for Jaemin. Jeno started looking around for him and calling his name. He remembered the treehouse and thought that was his best bet. He started walking up the steps when he heard sobbing. Was that Jaemin? He ran up the stairs and burst open the door. A teary-eyed Jaemin looked up at him and started crying harder.

"Jaemin, what's wrong?"

Jaemin didn't respond and continued to cry. Jeno sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him. He stroked his hair to calm him down. They sat like that until Jaemin stopped crying.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Jeno looked at him. Jaemin hates how he always assumed the worst.

"I thought you didn't show up because you were mad about me not coming yesterday.."

Jeno squeezed Jaemin into a tight hug.

"I was mad at first but I was more worried about you. You know how much I care about you!"

Jaemin wiped away his tears and let out a little laugh. He snuggled into Jeno's arms.

"I'm just stupid.."

"You're not stupid! You're smart, cute, funny, and most of all, the one I care about most."

Jaemin looked at Jeno, slowly falling in love with him with every word he said.

"Thank you, Jeno."


They sat against the wall, hands intertwined while Jaemin played with Jeno's fingers.

"Do you have to go home?"

Jaemin pouted and Jeno just smiled down at him.

"I have school tomorrow, my parents would be upset if I skipped."

Jaemin was disappointed but he understood. He quickly hugged Jeno as he was getting up to leave.

"You'll be here tomorrow, right?"

"Of course," Jeno flashed him is signature eye smile.


Jeno skipped into his house, instantly hugging both of his parents.

"You seem to be in a good mood, what happened today?"

"Oh, it's nothing.."

Jeno smiled at both of his parents puzzled faces. He grabbed Biscuit and went upstairs. Once he got up to his room and shut the door, he let out the loudest screech and flopped onto his bed. Jaemin was his friend but why is he feeling like a kid who just opened their presents on Christmas morning. He felt his face get hot at the thought of liking Jaemin. He couldn't, right?


A/N: IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!! I've just haven't been motivated enough to write but I'm going to try to put out chapters ASAP. I made this one extra long just because I feel so bad, please forgive me! How do guys like this chapter though? I put in a lot of skinship but they're so cute I can't help it! Anyways, thanks for reading and feedback is always welcome!

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